Pizza etc. Continued

Monday was my one day off and I’d planned to spend it relaxing by the pool. I curled up with Animal Farm and just relaxed. Then around 4 Robert came. Holly was supposed to meet us too to practice for the softball game on sunday but she wound up having to cancel cause Sean’s dad was sick. So Robert and Brian raced around the pool and tried to get me to go in but it was too cold and I just didn’t feel like it. Then they got out and Robert wanted to play asshole and i said I actually felt like playing for real so we went to the store to get so alcohol. But the place was closed on mondays so we had to walk down to Cherry St. Tavern. Right when we got there it started pouring and we had to walk back in the rain with soaking wet paper bags of booze. I’m sure we looked hilarious since we were both in our swim gear.

As usual I got buzzed off only 1 and a half shmirnoff ices. Robert was even worried about me and not making me drink nearly as much as he could have (I suck at card games so naturally I was the asshole) In the middle of all this Holly called saying things were alright at Seans and did I want to hang out tonight. Rob said he wanted to go bowlign and we were all like “yeah!” but then he called Joey and Joey said he wasn’t going so we needed a ride. I called Ben but he didnt’ know if he could get the car. We wound up just going over to Robs hous after the pool and playing board games instead and Ben met us down there. Scatergories was hilarious. We kept making up words and laughing and J came and sat with us and enjoyed all the excitement. After the game we were gonna go out to WaWa but it was raining and Ben was on his way so we just stayed in. Holly and I went outside to look for Ben. We hadn’t gone two feet off the step when a huge lightning bolt hit. We screamed and ran in the house. Then Ben called and said he was at 3rd and snyder so we went back outside to meet him. As soon as we got out there was antoher lightning bolt. We grabbed him and got inside. (continued…)

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Haha … to much eletricity can be hazarous to your health. Must be scary… Then again, lightning never striked near me before… lucky me right?