Irreconcilable Differences

Is it just me, or does Mitt Romney come off as the king of douche? Or, at the very least, the duke of douche…not that I give a shit about political theater. I do take a bit of an interest in the nature of conservatism, and liberalism, and often marvel at the mutual lack of understanding between the two camps. Seems the only person who is almost universally adored by both is Ron Paul– probably because of his ‘tear it all down’ nature, and the fact that each camp is more interested in having the other destroyed than anything else. Indeed, liberalism vs conservatism has turned into more of a family feud than an enlightened debate. Not that it makes Ron Paul any less right– the only way to build anything decent is to tear down the rotting bullshit hulk of whatever was there before.

I think the biggest understanding gap pertains to money. The fact that liberals feel that money should just, more or less, be ‘evenly distributed’, is a pretty solid testament to the fact that most of them have very little experience with having money, or more importantly, earning it. Why should the 1% pay so little in taxes, they say, when they have so much money to spare? Because, contrary to popular belief, most people with money don’t actually value it as much as the people without money think that they do. Although the term is relative, most people with money actually value production, more than anything else, and the money is merely a product, and a tool, of that process. A company or person produces something, and gets money. With that money, they purchase the means to produce more, and as a consequence make more money, which they then use to produce even more. Liberals see money as the carrot in front of the production donkey, but only because they themselves are covetous of money (and if you’re as poor as I am, how could you blame them?). For conservatives, it’s actually production that is the carrot, whilst money is the horse they need to ride to get to it. Everyone assumes everyone else thinks like they do, so it’s no wonder liberals are furious over all the fat-cats who manage what they can not– gobbling up tons and tons of money so the liberals get none of it– when in reality, gobbling up money isn’t (necessarily) the fat-cat’s primary goal.

And what is the biggest complaint conservatives have for liberals? Laziness. Entitlement complexes. Or, in other words, a lack of production ethic. See what I mean about everyone thinking that everyone else thinks in the same way that they do? Conservatives don’t understand how corporations can be seen as ‘evil’ things…even the ass holes like Mitt Romney! They just do not get it, at all, and default to their own production-based mindset, wherein they just label all the dissenters as stoned slackers. What they need to wise up on is the fact that many of these capitalists are not in any way for production, and are, in fact, liberals in disguise– people who just want money for the sake of having more of it. The two parties need to figure out that the american political pie chart is actually cut horizontally, not vertically, and that the bottom half represents a minority that should be eradicated– money hungry liberals masquerading as conservatives, and crazy activist-driven conservatives masquerading as liberals.

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Ron Paul’s foreign policy is what turns me on. If America had any sense whatsoever they’d ellect Ron Paul. It seems though that America can’t grow the fuck up, and vote for someone other than a ‘good ol boy’ manchurian candidate.

Ron Paul’s foreign policy is what turns me on. If America had any sense whatsoever they’d ellect Ron Paul. It seems though that America can’t grow the fuck up, and vote for someone other than a ‘good ol boy’ manchurian candidate.

Ron Paul’s foreign policy is what turns me on. If America had any sense whatsoever they’d ellect Ron Paul. It seems though that America can’t grow the fuck up, and vote for someone other than a ‘good ol boy’ manchurian candidate.

Ron Paul’s foreign policy is what turns me on. If America had any sense whatsoever they’d ellect Ron Paul. It seems though that America can’t grow the fuck up, and vote for someone other than a ‘good ol boy’ manchurian candidate.

Ron Paul’s foreign policy is what turns me on. If America had any sense whatsoever they’d ellect Ron Paul. It seems though that America can’t grow the fuck up, and vote for someone other than a ‘good ol boy’ manchurian candidate.




