Eat Fresh

Good morning my friends. I’m sitting here at the Subway at the Walmart in Rio Rancho. I just got a beverage and am listening to my Audio Book. I downloaded Inferno by Dan Brown as a free book for a free 30 day trial. So yay! I think Audio books are going to be my new friend. I can’t read for long because of my stupid head. Blah.

Speaking of my head…it hurts today. The bed in Santa Fe was super soft and we’ll that doesn’t bode well with my (or Randy’s) body. Bluh. I would usually be getting a shot tomorrow but it’s next week since I’m here in NM.

At any rate. We had some amazing sex in Gallup. LOL yeah it was just fucking amazing and I am sore so that’s fun haha. Yesterday was soooo long. Ugh. We left Gallup at like 6:45 after eating breakfast. Got to Farmington and he dropped me at Starbucks. I got a beverage if choice and sat down to listen to Inferno. It’s been good so far.

Around 10:30 I walked over to the mall and walked around for a bit. Went to Ross and Payless. I found some shoes but obviously didn’t have any dinero to buy them. Urgh. Lol. Oh wells. Randy got done shortly after that and we had lunch. I got a cheese on a stick and he got some chicken strips. With fries. They were yummy.

Left from there to get gas and then headed down to Santa Fe. It’s a 4 hour drive from Farmington. Was a beautiful drive. Made it to Santa Fe and stopped at The Home Depot and more or less checked in and then headed to the hotel.

We checked in and got to our room. Randy was like wtf? It was a huge suite. Separate living room and bedroom. So Randy went to the front desk and was like uhm I didn’t book the suite? Apparently they gave him a free upgrade. Woohoo! LOL

Thus morning he went to the store and I stayed asleep until my drug Alarm went off. Got up and went downstairs and had breakfast. A bagel and some coffee. Hard boiled egg and a tiny yogurt. I went back up and got ready, packed everything up and Randy showed up shortly thereafter. It’s only about an hour to Rio Rancho from Santa Fe so we got here quick. He’s got to do the Rio Rancho store and a store on Renaissance. Then we’ll be going to the hotel and chilling for a little bit. Then we’re having dinner with my cousins. Should be awesome!

Last night before we went and had dinner we went to a restaurant that Randy’s uncle works at. Randy met him for the first time. Was pretty awesome. We’re going to go back up to santa fe and have dinner with him so that’ll be fun as well. Woot!

Ugh…so dinner lol. We went to this place called Five Star Burger. My parents had eaten there in Taos and they said it was really good. So we were looking at the menu and I said that my dad had had a Hamburger Steak and said it was super delish. So I explained to him that it’s just a big hamburger patty cooked like a steak…so he ordered that. I ordered a red chile burger.

When the food came out. Randy was like wtf? I looked at him the same way. He was like I thought it was a steak made into a burger? I told him again that no, it’s a steak made out of hamburger…which I had already told him it was.

So he was like uhm no. So I of course was like ugh…well if he’s not going to eat…I won’t either. Bluh. I was upset to say the least. Finally he was like yeah I can’t eat this like this. So he asked for a bun and made it into a burger and he was happy then. Oy. So frustrating.

But at any rate…Went back to the hotel and hung out. He had to separate some paperwork. So I sat and played my slots game which was good. We were watching some stuff on TV and then we went to bed. Pretty much fell asleep right aaway.

So yeah…like I said…got up today and am here in albs, waiting for randy to be done. Should be another hour or so. Blah. Haha. Anyway that’s it. I’ll write more later. Buhbye.

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January 17, 2014

I used to do the audio book thing when I drove a truck. It’s a good way to pass the miles but sometimes I’d lose track of where I was. I’ve eaten at that 5 Star Burger joint. It’s good, like the Patio in Deming & Columbus but a lot more variety. Glad you got some…keep gettin’ it!

January 17, 2014

just wanted to say thank you so much for the kind note. i’m trying to hang one. trying haha. i’m so sorry about your migraines that is horrible.. i wish you where better.

January 24, 2014

Woo for free upgrades! –RK