12 week scan and chicken pox

So the weeks march on with nary an entry from me…..le sigh. I always mean to write and just don’t. BUT, I have put the computer back in the lounge, because i could never get to it in my room, and it was just awkward having it on the top of my dresser! So, fingers crossed that I manage to get online more often now!

I had my 12 week ultrasound on friday, Ali came with me at the last second, which was so sweet! It was great to see the tiny baby bouncing around, healthy as can be! I think having that miscarriage the first time scarred me for life, because I always convince myself before a scan that it is all going to go wrong. In a way it is good because it is such a relief and joy when all is well. But the stress leading up to it is not pleasant.

*side note* I am craving chinese in a ridiculous way. Seriously practically drooling at the thought of some noodles and lemon chicken. Lame. I can’t go get any. *end of side note*

Anyway, my sweet Annabelle and my little Alex have both been a wee bit sick. Where Annabelle seems to have come right, Alex got a fever on saturday, and has been really fussy, and last night he was up ALL NIGHT SCREAMING. I am so tired right now.

And yes, as I am sure you have figured out since you probably read my entry title, he has chicken pox. I noticed some rash in the night, and it is getting worse little by little. Off to the doc and confirmed. On pamol, need to get some pinetarsol and I will totally be a wreck by next week, since he will only sleep on me!! Will be interesting to see if the girls get it too. Hopefully it will all be done by 20th April as that is when we are headed to Queenstown and Christchurch for a week!!

All right, really must find food before I got nuts. Miss Bliss, if you are reading this, this is your reminder to send me some veggie recipes 🙂 Be gentle, this is new for me!! hehe


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March 24, 2013

I’ve never had or been around anyone with chicken pox, but I hear it’s pretty nasty at times! I hope it’ll clear up soon so you can go on your vacation. Supposedly it’s best to get pox when you’re younger? lol. At least he won’t remember having it. Glad that Baby is doing well, too. And that you are alive and well! (Or maybe just alive??) *big hugs*

March 24, 2013

I’ve never had or been around anyone with chicken pox, but I hear it’s pretty nasty at times! I hope it’ll clear up soon so you can go on your vacation. Supposedly it’s best to get pox when you’re younger? lol. At least he won’t remember having it. Glad that Baby is doing well, too. And that you are alive and well! (Or maybe just alive??) *big hugs*