How I Feel

I think a lot of people have been taken aback by my pregnancy news, both here and in real life. It’s true, I have been struggling with my 3, should I feel guilty I am ridiculously excited for my new baby? I think a few people I know in real life would rather me be stressed and worried and wondering why me!! As if I could ever look at the joy of a new life and ever think that!! I don’t know if it is my years of infertility or just my love of being a mother, but I always love to be pregnant, and when I am not, I dream about being pregnant again.

So yes, I am super happy, though it is a huge surprise. I hope baby is healthy, I have my first ultrasound on friday, so hopefully we see a lovely little heartbeat <3

I have been so crazy, already thinking about names. Usually at this stage I am just praying for a healthy baby and no more miscarriages. We are even thinking about not finding out the gender so we can have our last baby be a complete surprise!

Yes, our last baby. I was so sure we would have another after Alex, though Ali wasn’t. Now I am equally as sure that this will be it. I am still working on convincing Alister that a vasectomy is a good idea once all is said and done. Considering that 2 of our 4 were “oops” babies, I think it is a sound idea.

Now my little darlings: My Ella is really getting into her imagination….when I can rip her away from the tv! We got sky and she discovered the joy of neverending tv, and she just wants it on all the time. I make her leave it off a lot of the time when she is home (she is at kindy 4 hours a day), but even when I want to watch something, she runs in “Ella’s turn, Ella’s turn!!” Cute the first 50 times…lol. She is loving playing with her little dr kit and treating her toys. 🙂

Annabelle is slowly being slightly more interactive I reckon. She has the most hilarious and adorable grin….which she only pulls out when she is trying to get you to chase her, or when she is getting into mischief. It is so cute, I can never get mad at her!!

Alex is running and is the biggest klutz ever! He falls all the time, even split a small part of his gums over his teeth, so there is a wee flap of skin there. He is so big, and he give the best hugs when you pick him up! Just puts both chubby little arms around my neck and tucks his head in and squeezes tight! Love it!!

So yeah, all good. Sure, stress of planning a new chapter in our lives…..but oh the joy!!


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February 2, 2013

I can totally see you with lots and lots of cute kids. Would be fun to see if it’ll be another boy or girl! 🙂 Hope it goes well!

February 2, 2013

I can totally see you with lots and lots of cute kids. Would be fun to see if it’ll be another boy or girl! 🙂 Hope it goes well!

February 8, 2013

I haven’t read the rest of your entry yet – but I will – you SHOULD NOT feel guilty, it’s AWESOME that you are excited. I am so happy for you that you feel that way. I love the rest of the entry. Hun, this is great. I am so glad you are happy!!!

February 8, 2013

I haven’t read the rest of your entry yet – but I will – you SHOULD NOT feel guilty, it’s AWESOME that you are excited. I am so happy for you that you feel that way. I love the rest of the entry. Hun, this is great. I am so glad you are happy!!!

February 8, 2013

RYN: I will give you heaps of awesome vegetarian recipes. Just remind me in a note please because right now I am 100% certain I will forget!!!

February 8, 2013

RYN: I will give you heaps of awesome vegetarian recipes. Just remind me in a note please because right now I am 100% certain I will forget!!!