Restart – Again
So I’m not going to do a huge catch up, I just want to get back into writing daily, so little entries 😉
Just as a little back entry, My grandma is sick in the hospital and has been for a week or so. She’s really not well, and is quite scared she’s going to die. My mom has been spending time with here, and I feel so helpless. I am really glad I managed to put her name in the temple for her last week when their temples were closed. 🙂 That was a relief for her.
Also, the baby shower went off fantastically on Sat, the ladies had a great time and the mummy was very happy with the whole thing. I am super proud at how well the cupcakes turned out, and reactions from the guests were very gratifying 🙂
Oh and Ali had the last 5 days off, which was really great for him 🙂 We managed to get him Black ops for his bday, which he’s super excited about.
This week is going to be a week of catch up. I have Avon stuff to do and loads of housework.
Oh, and cupcakes. My friend Jason lost his mother last night, it was expected, as she was very ill, but you’re never prepared for that sort of thing. We can’t be there, so as a small token I’m going to make some cupcakes and send them to him in Christchurch.
Anyway, anna is asleep so i’d better go put her down and do something.
You are so nice to be making people cupcakes and cakes and all that! And poor grandma. 🙁 My grandparents have all passed away, so I know how you feel in any situation! RYN: I’ve considered contacts, but my eyes are so bad I might have to do thick ones, and I don’t like the idea of that. But besides that part, my eyes are pretty sensitive, so I don’t know if I would even like wearing contacts. If anything I am more considering laser treatment. But I just don’t know yet.
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You are so nice to be making people cupcakes and cakes and all that! And poor grandma. 🙁 My grandparents have all passed away, so I know how you feel in any situation! RYN: I’ve considered contacts, but my eyes are so bad I might have to do thick ones, and I don’t like the idea of that. But besides that part, my eyes are pretty sensitive, so I don’t know if I would even like wearing contacts. If anything I am more considering laser treatment. But I just don’t know yet.
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