Things things and more things

 Hi everybody.

Yes, another long-absent entry… 


Stuff, in no particular order:


We’re trying get a custom house built up in Maryland, and it has been successes and setbacks. We bought the property last September and have still not broken ground, and probably wont for another 2 months.  It’s too long and somewhat painful to relate at the moment. Suffice to say that the current plan for permitting and building is in fact a big improvement over where we were a week or 2 ago, so maybe the delays are for a reason.

So, hopefully now, we break ground in July.  Move in would probably be next Jan-Feb (this is after initial move-in estimates of Aug-Sept)

My son is back from his 1st year at college.  Straight A’s both semesters, lettered in his sport (sabre fencing) his freshman year, and got the Rookie of the Year award from his team!  Yay!!  He’s back to working at the pizza place around the corner for the summer to recharge his bank account.  He’s a good egg.

My daughter finally graduated from college a couple of weeks ago, a year late. She was delayed because of a medical issue – had a weird virus that caused orthostatic intolerance, which took much of a year to get diagnosed properly and straightened out.  Then that led to her having severe feelings of inadequacy (my assumptions) and basically, well, a form of depression.  She’s apparently felt that Sweetie and I are too hard on her, so she avoids us, and we were dis-invited to the graduation ceremony.  She has a vague plan to get a job in the area and share an apartment with a college friend, however, we’ll believe that when we see it.  

My opinion on her is that she’s really pretty emotionally immature (originally observed by the therapist we sent her to when she was ill), so she’s 23 going on 15.  I think she’ll take years to grow up and be able to handle relationships and conflict properly, so, I’ll wait.  

Work is going gangbusters.  I seem to work better, and get more recognition the last year or so. Quite interesting.  i’ve hooked myself into a project (actually, a whole family of projects) that I can work on after the new house is built, and will allow a very nice, easy, and pleasant commute.  ðŸ˜‰

I am nearing the end of my second term as president of our local transgender support group.  Sweetie is nearing the end of her 2nd term as Outreach director, unfortunately, she had to remain in the post to prevent a well-meaning but incompetent, and possibly alcoholic person from winning the election.  But we’re phasing out of that at the moment.  There’s too much going on, and you would not believe the in-fighting and nastiness that exists between sections of the transgender community.  As if LGBT wasn’t enough of a minority, let’s take the few T people out of that, then break them up into 2 or 3 subgroups and have them fight each other.  It’s just ridiculous, and frankly, I’m tired of it at the moment.  Will look for another way to help out in a few months, as the house gets underway perhaps, or after we move.


One last thing: I’m almost disappointed the Rapture didn’t happen.  Frankly, might have been nice to be rid of those folks, and since they didn’t actually leave, we had to cancel the Post-Rapture Looting party. Sigh.

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Wow, full plate! The house stuff must be occasionally annoying! And the kids? Well, we have our own issues there as well. It’ll ALL work out in time (I repeat that to myself a lot.) 🙂

May 22, 2011

It’s lovely to hear from you again! And yeah, it was a shame about the rapture. We were in the theatre yesterday, everytime we saw empty seats we guessed they were Christians who’d been taken before they could see the show…

May 22, 2011

Joining a support group to practice infighting skills seems wrong to me. It would be cool to start a support group for people who do that, just to keep them out of everybody else’s groups. JK Rowling complains about readers who are convinced her wizarding spells will work if they say them just right, “Wingardium leviosa.” “They won’t work,” she declares with a strained, incredulous voice.”I guarantee it!” I wonder if the people who wrote the Left Behind books feel the same way about the Rapture nuts. Probably not.

It’s always good to see an update from you. Congrats on your son doing so well and on your daughter graduating. How are you doing? Now that you’ve fully healed are you happy with the results of your surgery? Keep in touch. We miss you when you’re gone for so long.

May 24, 2011

I was totally looking forward to the rapture. I was looking forward to the rapture, though if there were a rapture most of the people who believed there was one coming would not have gotten picked, I think. They are not really followers of Jesus, what with their hate and intolerance and overall uppity-ish-ness. Maybe fans, but not followers. Good luck with your house!

May 24, 2011

I liked the idea of a post Rapture looting party. I signed up for one on facebook. Seems as if everything is going swimmingly!

May 25, 2011

haha i was saying the same thing about the rapture jerks! lol been wondering how u were doing! great news on the job things and your son and everything thats going so well! good luck with the house and supportgroup dramas. best wishes to your daughter.

June 19, 2011

I actually showed up at OD. Wow it’s been a while though I read you at facebook all the time. I’m laughing- you won who is going to write at OD. I had good intentions. I feel like I can spew bad thoughts here instead of FB- where it seems like “let’s not be a downer” is prevalent.. and I plan on that soon here because it’s like therapy to me. Hey! My new years resolution is to visit OD regularly now. see you soon [bloomingTSGirl]