A grip

What if IHOP made big pancakes and then sold them as "Mancakes"?  I wonder if I could rich off that.  There’s probably some concoction out there of pancake batter and meat that would be good.  Like a pot pie but different.  I’ve never actually had a pot pie before.  Mostly because they take like 30 minutes to make in the oven.  That’s so much time.  That’s like two hours. 

Me and this guy who used to work for me are utilizing the 48 Laws of Power, a random number a day, (Hey, Bill Murray’s brother plays the priest in Sixteen Candles.  Weird, he doesnt even say anything.  I bet that’s one of them deals where he had many lines and then they cut them out of the film in editing.  I wounder if you still get paid the same amount then.  Hmmm) and it’s been three days and we were tied up 1-1, and yesterday’s law was keep your hands clean, never admit culpability, find a scapegoat.  So I have a grip of meetings, blame people.  We compare notes at the end of the day, I tell him about my utilization of the law, and he’s like "Yeah for mine, I put like 3 packets of coffee in the coffee maker and then when someone was like ‘man, this coffee tastes awful’, I was like, yeah, I think Anndy made it, he makes it strong."  Come on!  That’s bullshit, right?  Can’t do that.  

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January 22, 2011

That coffee must have tasted like moose anus (which is a flavor I’m intimately aware of.) Facebook is a site I invented, they made a movie about me. We are indeed the last two who use this site, and you are the last one to use RYN. Fuuuckbag.

June 8, 2011

denny’s kinda beat that with the whole Bacon thing going on. they made bacon flapjacks… which i ordered just as “bacon flaps”… just because that sounded delectable. which it was. yeah…