Gonna see the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota!

I have to give a speech tomorrow to 30 people at my job.  It has to be motivational and explain what it is I do.  Read this sentence out loud,

"I enjoy the weather today." 

The way you said that, thats about as excited or as motivated as I get about anything.  I probably shoulda started on this before now.  But I didnt, so, why start now.  Ill wing it.  Most likely start with me panicky and saying "uhhhh…uhhhh…..uhhh….sooooo heres my impression of a mieserly jew.."  And end with someone screaming "Fire!  Everybody out!  Oh god why did he light that thing on fire!?" 

It started with a hey were gonna do training for about five new people, can you swing by on Wenesday morning and say a lil bit?  And then 10 poeple.  And then it had to be motivational.  And then two departments of my peers were signed up for it.  Ha!  And all day, "We’re really excited to hear you speak tomorrow!"  Yea, you’re in fer a real fuckin treat. 

I mean come on, problem with America, everybody wants a quick fix.  If I tell these people what I know then whats that learn em?  Go out and find the answers to your own questions.  Maybe the quest to find an answer to one of their questions will lead them to the discovery that they really want to farm.   And what if that farmed grows a state fair ribbon winnin, world record holdin, enormous cucumber.  But they fuckin DONT cause I just gave them the anser.  Who the hell am I to deprive the world of that.

Ha, what a disaster this will be.  Its honestly just gonna be like, "So fuckin…siiiiiiiigh……yea.  Questions?" 


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August 17, 2006

your entries are interesting. i love how you skip from one thought to another and its all very sporadic. short and sweet and to the point. woo. ryn- why cant food be in pill form… all 5th element style?? that would make things so much easier…better, yummier. btw… this diary of mine is fake… my real one is called “itgirlragdoll” if you really give a hoot.

August 22, 2006

the hell is your problem? did you change your email address? if so then email me with it, vampyre_vixen@hotmail.com and how come you’re never home, I call and I wasted my minutes on a call. laters and hope the speech turns out well.

August 22, 2006

oh yeah, in case you forget who this is its Lina. All and mighty powerful person.

August 23, 2006

ryn: i wonder if that would have automatically made me pass the class. i’d be student of the century. my teacher is strange… he’s a mixture of george carlin and hunter s thompson. crazy hairy hippy man….. wheeeeeeee…

August 27, 2006

Yer colors suck. I haven’t been on in FOREVER. Course, I haven’t had internet in forever. How are you doing, Anndy?

September 20, 2006

The meaning is: MY NAME IS ANNDY, AND MY DIARY COLORS ARE HORRID. They make little kids have seizures. And make me pee a little. Just a little, though.