A long entry with no proof reading or etc

The hearings to investigate why oil companies made record profits this year in the wake of the huricanes was held yesterdayish. The answer was supply and demand. There were three natural disasters and that leads to record profits?

Did you know that soy can be turned into a biodiesel and a plastic replacing oil. Soy creates its own nitrogen and doesnt deplete the mineralsin the soil, it creates more. Soy is renewable and easily grown in the heartland which is the most productive soil on Earth. We are going to war and spending billions to protect the oil in the middle east. This is like when coal refiniries burn the coal, the sulfur falls from the sky into the water and the EPA solution is, wellllllll dont eat the fish.

Seems a better solution would be how about we do something to prevent the sulfur from gettin into the water. Same with oil in the middle east. I got this really intelligent Republican friend who says, "Oil is right now the cheapest form of fuel. It’s unfortunate for those people but we cant give them the power to contorl that market." Thats a lucid, valid, immoral and incrediably hypocritical argument. If we have the best conditions to grow soy, then why not really push to turn it a bio fuel that we can use to create a strong foot hold on a world market that’ll get stronger? AH HA! You thought it was a hypothetcial but it wasnt!

When cars were created nobody wanted them because there were no roads. The roads got built, people bought more cars, more cars lead to gas stations (which distribute gas around the country), lead to repair shops, lead to subsidized multinational corporations creating cities of oil refinires in the middle east. An infastructure. The CEO of Chevoron makes 500 million a year. what can you do with 500 million a year? Buy 5 giant friggin houses, a helicopter, which leaves you with 250 million which you throw at politicians to ensure that they keep the infastructure of the industry you make your money from running.

The way oil refineries work is you have a huge tower, ya burn the oil, the fuems rise up the tower, different products cool at different levels. All the top levels are fuel. The lower levels are petroleum Jelly, plastics, and asphalt. Asphalt was originally a byproduct that was thrown away until the people making the fuel were like, Hey lets turn this shit into roads. Soy can be used for fuel and plastic, bees wax can be used for vaseline lip stuff, and concrete can be used for roads.

Thermodynamics says that you cant reach 100% efficiency for creating energy from the source. The comubtion engine is 10% efficient in so much as you get 1 unit of energy for 10 of every source you put in. The human body is 25% efficient. Auto makers can create a combustion engine 40% efficient with fuel cells, the hybrid cars. Theres no interest in doing that however cause theres lack of profit because the heads of United Auto Workers are the same people who are running the subsidized companies drilling for oil in the middle east.

People used to burn wood until they found coal during the industrial rebolution which they used to make steel. Then they found oil and realized its uses and turned to oil. Which is where the term snake oil salesman comes from, because people in PA had oil everywhere but didnt know what to do with it so they bottled it and said it cured everything. And the capital of Iceland is Rekjavic.

…Ok I dont remember where that was going. How about an Aqua Teens line?

This came for you in the mail today. Its a summons.

This is unbelievable. I have YET to see a welfare check, but this is my second summons in a week. Man…your tax dollars at work Frylock.

Back to energy, know how switzerland does things? They have 5 nuclear plants. During the day the have a hydor facility that powers the country. Water flows down through the turbine, cause all electricity still comes from turbines. Then at night they turn on the nuclear energy and use a part of it to pump the water back up to the resivoir and sell the excess energy to neighboring countries. Next day, turn on the hydro power, repeat. No oil heating and they make money from it. But that might be kinda a bad example cause no one wants to live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant. Did you know theres such a thing as a waste energy converter? Your poo and such gets burned, turbines turn it into electricity, less pollutive than coal. Unlimited renewable energy from what was unuseful.

I mean I guess the problem is, we’re spending money for a war for, well, "spreading democracy" these days, even though its been shown we’ll take capatalism over legitamate democracy anyday. But if its for oil and the only reason the enemies were combating which is costing billions of money that doesnt just come from the sky, then why not eliminate the source of whats empowering the enemy? I mean can you imagine Soy replacing oil and being self reliant on our energy? 90% of oil will be imported in the US by 2010. If we had cars that ran on stuff we grew and electricity which we produced and oil reached an all time low cause no one needed it, would it be necessary to go to war? Would middle eastern counties have the ability to finance the means to warif their only income was gone? Would the defense budget go down? Would the excess money be used for the social pograms being cut which help keep our country away from third worldization? Would wealth be redistributed? Is poverty the leading cause of crime? This is basic Art of Wat stuff. Annnnnnnnnnnnd I gotta pee, but damn am I right and I welcome refutititationilizaiton.

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November 10, 2005

yer colors suck. where have you been? -Justine

November 10, 2005

… As I told Ophelia. ‘Spreading Democracy is like Spreading the plague. Once you have it,you just can’t get rid of it.’

wow. write an entry about how you started yer diary. as like a birthday celebration, like. how’d you find FOD, yo. weiner. pretend it’s my squirrel.

November 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Anndy!!! Lina

November 11, 2005

where have you been? i thought you were gonna have my children!? you liar! i bet you say that to all the cute boys.

November 12, 2005

sadly, i knew what you meant by eight ball.