A Hell Yes

Yesterday on my way home from work, there’s a quiet residential street right as you turn out of the parking lot, and there was a guy walking and talking on his cell phone away from me. So as I passed him, for no reason other than to be a jerk, I just laid on the horn for a good solid minute, watched his ass jump and then laughed for about the next 15 minutes thinking about his expression and how I was a dick. Sometimes ya gotta make your own fun, and that was pretty fun.


Becks new CD is pleasent. Were I king I would issue a decree to spread throughout the land of my people. Tell them to gather! Tell them to gather en masse! For I their king shall address them! My friends it is your king! I hearby proclaim Becks new CD…is good!
….Go home now…Go ….Seriouslly get off my fuckin yard…Come on! Sigh….Turn on the sprinklers.

It took me awhile to buy the CD. I went to the store the day it came out and was like, “So….I see the sticker on that Beck CD says $14.99. So how much do you really want for it?”

“It’s $14.99 sir.”

Alright….alright. I’m gonna write a number down. You take a look at this, tell me what you think.”
So I mean admittedly I lowball him, right. But hes all steadfast about, “….Sir….it’s $14.99.”
So I’m like, alright fine, ya wanna bullshit each other all day, ya dont wanna talk to me, ya dont wanna work with me, forget it, I’m leaving.

So I go back like two days later, same guy, same bullshit. I couldn’t believe it. These…are motherfuckin salesmen. I dont know what kinda sales regiment they put these guys through but hats off to em.

In the end I did pay the $14.99 but I manged to get me a coupon for $2 off my next DVD purchase. And thats the lesson. Never accept a first offer, cause that’s all it is. God I really need a kid to teach this kinda shit to. So in a way, I guess you people are like my children. Now take out the trash and get me a beer. And quit your fuckin boo hooing.

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April 16, 2005

Hmm. You seem like a cheapo to me and you think this man had control over how much a cd was? He just works there, idiot.

April 16, 2005

Wow…what a f8ckin retard.

April 16, 2005


April 16, 2005

hahahahahaha seriously. idiot.

April 16, 2005

ryn-you have known me since i was 17. I’m actually trying to remember if you’ve known me since I was 16… but I’m pretty sure it was 17.

April 16, 2005

oh and… no.

April 16, 2005

..*blinks and holds up tray of beer* …what brand,master?

April 17, 2005

ryn: omgomg! *glomps* auto sister!!!! *gives you tray and scampers off now*

April 17, 2005

your a strange little man, and when I mean little *ahem cough cough points to your lil man* I mean little. It feels great to put these remarks about you in your diary again, I think you needed this, your big ass head is getting bigger. Idiot!!!

April 17, 2005

i want to buy it but i have no money. i need to sell my body.

April 22, 2005

don’t make me stab you old man.

your diary really hasnt changed at all you as$ monkey. good to see that the good things never change… Dude, I would have soooo, sold you the beck CD for my K back. but then again, you dont bargain that way, do you loser? I didnt think so, go look at your pussy who is in deep thought. xoAngela

April 30, 2005

my beat is correct. HELL YES Dolores…i…i…i…i… want your cooch. BE MY SEX-MUFFIN YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!!!! YES!! wear a skirt the next time you clean my room, k? thanks ~ Phyllis