Cascading into Decadence

Theres an attorney firm coming to our work to give a semminar called Manly, Diaz. That is so friggin cool. Manly Diaz. Sounds like a wrestler. Jake Manly…Gomer Diaz *BANG!….BANG BANG!* Are….DA DA DADA DAH! DA BA DADADA BA! Manly Diaz, Attorneys at Law.

I decided my girlfriends a lot like my last job where I was like this is borin. Where I quit before I officially get fired. Zero effort. I think Im cascadin into decadence. Holy shit that phrase was off the top a me head. Im smart. …I rock. Im charmin too. I really cant say enough about me. I do got a lotta charm. And wit. Hot too but I got a zit though. Maybe its the zit thats keepin me from getting a tv show. Ya know even if someone came to me and was like Well we are interested in givin you a tv show but…..the zit. Id be like, Yeaaaaaaa I would go to the store and get some Stridex er somethin but….Dude its like 5 miles to the store, wait in line fer like an hour, and its like 2 bucks.

Ive also become notoriously cheap. I also was in trainin with this lady who would answer every rhetorical question like it was god damn Jeopardy.

Now do the banks want to make money or do they want to lose money? Obviously they want to mak…

They wanna make money cause they, cause they, cause they wanna make a profit. They dont wanna lose money cause

RHETORICAL FUCKIN QUESTION!!!!!! Im gonna write Rhetorical on a brick and wait fer her ass in the parkin lot.


And that lady keeps pissin me off more, “K so say you get all your chickens in a row…”


Aight lemme ax you dis den

IT ASK!!!!

Manly Diaz eh? Thats funny. Imagine a law firm with a monkey. ….Wow. “Manly, Diaz…We have a monkey.” A monkey is shown makin screamin monkey noises. Wow……Wow.THats just good exposition.

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Aight lemme ax you dis den aight, but see dat’s jes funny, Andrew. don’t hate.

Yeah you would call him wouldn’t you, he does kinda rock. Too bad I can’t b/c he apparently moved since I last spoke to him and I dont have his new number. That jerk. He even e-mailed me to say “call me anytime…” but didn’t leave a number. Man, I can take a hint when i get em’. Pfffft.

October 13, 2004

your jewish thats why your cheap =P

October 13, 2004

some weirdo decided to leave you like 5 blank notes. what’s that all about? oh and yea manly diaz good stuff

October 17, 2004

HEY MACARENA! yes dammit i AM cool enough to like beck AND flogging molly. you however are not. and PSHH SLORE!!! I AINT YOUR MAID! GET YOUR OWN DAMN BEER! why did you leave me two notes? that isnt your mysterious ninja way. you know that. so…whos going to Toronto ~ heather *oh…and its obvious you crave attention…der*

Anndy…it’s Mandi. Just wanted to say hi. I miss your weird sense of humor. I know you miss me too. You can say it. :p Wishing you trick or treating for beer and butterfingers….hehe…That was a long time ago. Have a good day!

Anndy it’s Mandi what the f8ck kinda…lame…stupid…idiot….gooood god.