Thiiiiis close to fuckin snappin

Talkin a total smokin ban in the Twin Cities. Mother….Fuck. Do it. I fuckin dare ya. Between that and payin over two bucks a gallon fer gas somebody gots to die. Bannin smokin in fuckin bars. Yea great fuckin idea then everyone says, and by everyone I mean me, Man I dont wanna go to a fuckin bar, lets just stay at home. Its not like the bars wouldnt lose buisness. Im such a libretarian when it comes to that type of shit. If I own a buisness, busted my ass fer years to make my dream come true, who the fuck are you to come in and tell me how I gotta run it, and who I gotta hire.

These pristine lunged mother fuckers. They wanted part of the resteraunt, we gave em a part. They wanted the whole thing, we gave em the whole thing. They wanted the planes, we gave em the planes. And its like that only encouraged em. Like, god damn they gave up the restraunts….uhh….stop smokin outside…YEA! What about my babies health!

What baby, I dont see a baby.

Oh I left him in the car.


Dont worry I left the windows up.

Its like 90 degrees


And since fuckin when in this country do we put health above money. Maybe these fuckin people that are that bored can redirect their energies at Dupont who dump 2000 tons of cancer causin toxins into the air, have 93 charges against em fer knowinly dumpin 2000 tons of somethin that causes CANCER in the air, it gets dropped to 7 cause they also dump tons of money into both parties, get fined 6 million dollars, then write off the 6 million on their taxes as a buisness expense. Wow, I almost went off on a tangent about how stupid it is to say theres not class warfare and brought up that the last time the workin class was takin this much shit we were thowin tea into a harbor….its called a referrence…ya weiner.

So there, all ya hear is economy economy. Well liquor and cigarettes are probably the only two things left that are still made in the united states. And bars are local buisness. The only type of buisness that isnt gonna outsource to India. The only type of buisness thatll increase city revenue without payin workers slave wages like a Walmart.

Allright I guess Im done nowMOTHERFUCKERS FUCK YOU ILL FUCKIN…ILL KICK YA! Fuckin smokin outside in Minnesota. The fuckin colds probably worse fer ya then the cigarette.  And aside from that, good.  Im sick of waitin in lines man, kill off part of the population.  My policy, which I thought of while sittin in traffic fer an hour the other day, exterminate 50% of the population.  Just at random.  Then everyones happy.  We all lose loved ones, no bias.  Then we can erect a giant (heh erect) tombstone to honor the dead.  Cause god only fuckin knows, someone cant die anymore in this country without there bein a cross put up and cards left and candles burnin.  At least I can still look to Mad cow and cell phones.  I masturbate to the thought of the year 2014, a 728% increase of malignant brain tumors, a scientist givin a press confrence and sayin “Uhhh oops.  Turns out they do give ya cancer…..our bad.”

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May 10, 2004

dude yeah. cell phones. i know it. i cant believe they would outlaw it in both cities. maybe just leave one city smoke free, and the other for the smokers. then when the smoke free city floods, the re will be just the smokers. in acoordance wit the prophecy. the prophecy=waterworld starring kevin kostner.

May 10, 2004

bummer. that sucks!

May 11, 2004

NYC banned smokin in bars a while ago. It fu’ckin’ sucks yo. I’m not even 21 yet and it’s against the law. My first few bar experiences happened this year and F’UCKIN… COULDN’T SMOKE YO!! So I smoked anyway and the bouncer was all “Can’t do that!” and I was all “Oh sorry,” and walked away to smoke somewhere else in the bar. CAN’T NOBODY HOLD ME DOWN!!

which is why I’m never ownin a cell phone doncha just hate HATE drivin down the road – do they have those in the north? – and wherever somebody died like, even on a totally straight highway where it’s obvious they only died cuz they were drunk and swerved to avoid hitting an imaginary Paul Bunyan, their family puts up a cross with their name on it and flowers and candles and THAT

that pisses me off to NO end, Miguel. fyi.

HA. smokers are stupid.