Rooflings, the greatest show ever devised

I thought of a great idea for a reality show. Keg of beer, 20 people, and a four story house with slanted roofs. The premise is simple, put the keg and the people on the roof and everybody just has a good ol time a drinkin. Lil later in the evenin some light weight chick has her glass raised “WOOOOOOO, I LIKE CHICKEN!”, loses her footin, tumble tumble, six broken ribs and a shattered fibula later, were down to 19. Be like god damn Survior only interestin.

Its a fuckin killer idea and if there was a show like that Id be glued to my tv every Thursday. Even if the show was on Tuesdays Id still be watchin Thursday on the off chance theyd have an interview with one of the cast aways whod sit in there body cast and struggle to answer the questions with there new speech impediment.

And to mix things up every once and awhile wed throw in a couple of patches of ice, maybe tell the Rooflings that were gonna parachute in a crate of various snacks and then when they open the crate its a monkey shot up on pcp. I dont know see ya gotta tread carefully cause ya do to much shit to em it might be overkill. Ya dont wanna the obstacles overshadow the premise. I mean I guess around the third season youd have to mix stuff up more, Rooflings 3: Uganda. Like a round of quarters immunity challenge except the person who loses…ah fuck that just some arbitrary Roofling,

“Well Kevin, you did good in that round, and remember how we said one Roofling, voted for by our home audience, would receive a brand new pair of Nikes with patented Ultra-Tracktion? Nike, when you need tracktion, its gotta be Nike, Go Nike. (Thats called product placement). Well Kevin, our audience…..voted for you.”


“So congratulations. Oh Kevin one more thing. Instead of Nikes, weve decided to kill your mother.”

At which point a helicopter drops his mothers lifeless corpse onto the roof with him. Now THATS! Fuckin good tv. Thats called pshycological stress right there. And beyond that whod see that comin. What a twist.

Other things I was kickin around was at some point we throw an air bag down around the perimeter of the house. So when Candiance stumbles to the taco table for a burrito and trips she lands safely. Then as the fear in her subsides and she gets up and cheers, and the Rooflings are all lookin over the edge relieved and cheerin along with her, a man comes up to her and shoots her in the head at point blank range. Thatll shut those bastards up.

In the end there can be only one Roofling.  And really, isnt that a metaphor for the strife and struggle we all face in our lives?  No…no it is not.

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candiance? kill HER mother. f8ckin idiot name for a child, yo.

how bout i shoot you up with pcp? yeah right. im not that generous.

May 2, 2004

i get a pony? oh anndy you double n’ed mystery i love you. oh and i’ll so be there at the keg. ur the best ice weasel ever….might i…pet you? ~ heather

May 2, 2004

kitty scratched me…what a bitch…

May 2, 2004

it should have trapdoors. and carnage. lots of carnage. and maybe like dead bodies just to keep the ratings up. altho with this sho id be TiVO ing it even tho i dont have one.

May 3, 2004

dude… i would so watch that show. and i would put Nikes on his mother. and i would make sure @ least ONE person on the roof is a necrophiliac, and make the dude w/the dead mum witness this necrophiliac bang his mother. WOOHOO! now THAT’s real tv. yessir…

May 3, 2004

damn, you cannot spell. . . must suck to be you. . . WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS?!!!

F*ck watching the show…I want to be on it…meh… You should buy me a pony because Im a trooper…

May 4, 2004

Wow. I just LOVED your diary description. That will be all.

May 4, 2004

your not upset cause i left you last night, in fact your happy about it because than you wouldnt have to worry about impressing me with your sweet talk. besides you were interested in something else and i didnt wanna bother you from your porn watch =P

I think they did something like that on Fear Factor. Except the slanted roof was a slanting sheet of glass hovering over treacherous (yeah I said trecherous)waters, and there were no kegs… or monkeys shot up on pcp, but there should have been. Actually your idea really isn’t all that much like theirs. I’m gonna go shut up now.

May 4, 2004

oh and btw that above note was from me. This stupid diary thing isn’t letting me stay signed in. And if i stop being signed in again, this is Arly.

what, are the darkies takin our milk now, too?!?! FOUR DAMN DOLLARS A GALLON! WHEN WILL IT END, ANNDY?

Andrew, YOU’RE an idiot! that’s okay. I still want you to NAIL ME!

and by NAIL ME, I mean be shot in the head repeatedly with nails BY me. umkay?