Show me potato salad!

Ya know why people rob banks….Cause the only fucking way you can get service is with a gun! Motherfuck I am not advocatin bank robbery and I am not advocatin the indescrimanate slaughter of bank tellers but in another more accurate way I fuckin am. 15 minutes to count to 400. Thats a fuckn chore. One hundred, two hundred, I gotta get some more hundreds see ya in a fuckin week. Oh man die. Give me more than the moderate amount of power Im drunk on. Give me Hitler type power. In fact calll me Hitler I dont give af fuck as long as I dont have to be the only person at the bank and waitin and I promise to end these fuckin people.

Fuck banks, fuck this bitch named Gail Hallm too from NJ and fuck somethin fuckin else. Im fuckin zen im the fuckin zen master and I can not get past the bank or this one lady.

Its a lot like jesus when said when he was advocatin killin the whore with the stones, I think he even said it, “fuck with me and i swear ill fuckin kill ya.”

See that is why Im a devout Christian. Cause my sole purpose is to get thorough life with very little hassle. And if you hassle me, man….MAN….I hope you die. I am so dark side of the force. I am Darth Annoyed. And fuckin suck my….like stuff.

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April 13, 2004

::hands you a plate of potatoe salade:: I hate banks. They’re such a bitch. They’re all “blah blah blah I’ll take my sweet ass time cuz guess what, I’VE GOT ALL YOUR MONEY FUC’KER!” Stupid. You know what else I hate? Giant Midgets. No joke I saw one the other day, he was like 6 feet tall but he was a midget. Actually they’re pretty awesome, I just thought I should mention them.

April 13, 2004

Anyway he was way tall but he had that weird midget look to him. You know what I mean, stop looking at the computer screen like I’m a lunatic. THE DECAPITATED HEADS IN MY FREEZER TELL ME I’M NOT CRAZY!

April 13, 2004

yo peace brother. im gonna be a old f*ck next week. wish me a happy birthday bitch!

April 13, 2004

dude. i know. its always like hey im better than you cos i am. and im like, hey, you dont have to be like that. and then they do the look. you know…THE LOOK. so i have to kill them. always. every freakin time man. later

awwww, see all your adoring fans? I used to be a bank teller. Yeah, really. Sucked ASS dealing with idiot customers Jesus CHRIST I hate the public.

April 14, 2004

man, f*Ck everything man, i’ma go eat some potato salad.

April 14, 2004

nah, actually, aNnDy, he said, “let he who has no sins cast the first stone” and everyone walked away slowly, all execpt one chick. she picked up a rock, threw it at the wh0re, and killed her. jesus turned to her, and said, “aw d*mnit mom!”

April 14, 2004

holy shit!! i love you Anndy Devitt!!!!!!! and i have two christmas’ worth of presents for you. ok, that should satisfy your daily need motivation. you can continue living now. now your life is worth something.

April 14, 2004

i…i…i…thats beautiful..i..i…i..loooove ….you….and….potato…salad….wait…no….yeah…no… monkeys ~ heather

April 14, 2004

ryn. wow bitch you actually noted me. ok i wont kill myself now that you wished me a happy birthday. you make life worth living. i heart you & miss your lovely face. were you vacationing?

April 14, 2004

ryn. ah yes but arent you already old? haha j/k anyways yea that picture will be when it stops raining

April 14, 2004

awwwwwwe man, i missed you. . . um. . . awkward. . .

April 15, 2004

RYN: ok…ur funny I GIVE UP ~ heather

April 16, 2004

i was in it for the money. . . that’s why i left you. . . naked. . . with your pants around your waist. . . crying. . .looser. Miss ya!

April 16, 2004

i was very excited when i saw your diary title.. but then the entry shot me down.. although, i did agree with a lot you said.. meh, nevermind. 🙂

aren’t your pants SUPPOSED to be around your waist? weiner.