When will this shit pay off

I thouht of a great idea for a movie. Its like Urban Legends…God how I hate that movie…OBVIOUS SUICIDE…SHE WAS FUCKING STRANGLED THERED BE BRUISES!!! So at the end of my suspense thriller, Our hero is tied up somewhere, Travis, the main charecters twin, is like haha it was realy me who has done these slayings madam. Then BAM, OH NO!  turns out there quadruplets. And the other two subdue the evil twin. All is well. BUT WAIT!

A man walks in with a gun and says “Not so fast. Perhaps youve forgotten about me. Outta sight, outta mind, right. You kept me locked up in the cellar all those years, me, your horrible sixth brother.”

At thsi point the suspense probably literally burns peoples flesh. Cause a sixth brother…I wouldnta seen that comin. So hes bout ready to cap those like 4 good brothes but WAIT! A shamblin mound enters the room weildin a gun. Turns out his mother once had siamese twns she gave up for adoption! The one with the gun is good but the other one….he is pure evil. And he bites the good one a lot. But at this point hes gotten used to it so he doesnt really flinch.

But then! His granmas brother son enters. He always held a grudge against the Travi for this one time they lost his lego piece for the Milenium Falcon lego thing he got one Christmas. He could never say “thats no moon” and really feel it. So there we are, the evil granmas brother holds a gun on these people.

BUT! All the sudden, 3 more people enter from the shadows. There actually kinda non chaleont and are like shoe on other foot and so on. Turns out…the Travi were OCTUPLETS! Two evil one good. The good one is overpowered. Cause theres two of them. So then the Travi’s Mothers Sisters cousin comes in, and there all like yer Jerry? My mom said you knew Tim.

 Oh yea Jerrys Evil. No wait good.

Holy twist. Yea I knew Jim. Ya know what he liked to do?


Then they all dance and sing about how they have there differences but the family that sings and dances together, sings and dances together. Now that is a suspense film. Fer real Im sittin here on the edge of my seat right now. Yer all like oh what happens then. Well I dont wanna give it away but lets just say MAYBE… it involves a lost 15th cousin twice removed on his dads side..

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I think Dave Coulier should play the Travii.

and what I say goooooooes motherf8cker!

April 5, 2004

dude, i wanna be in it.

miscreant plays the gramma. MY WORD IS LAW!

You’re so odd… yet maybe that’s what I love bout you dearest…I want to be in your movie…after all I am writing a musical about you..lol A.MAC

April 5, 2004

Dude I could totally play one of the octuplets.. except of course you’d have to change the script and turn one of them into a girl. I’m sure you’d do that, especially after having seen my impressive resume. Not to mention the fact that I’m way hot, and will draw in a larger audience.

April 5, 2004

you should add in there some chick getting choked by a purse…that be cool…i hate purses so hideous…..

that’s pursism. just straight discriminatin against purses, yo. anti-semipursism. sheeeeeeesh.

April 6, 2004

oh man i would sell my mom into the cambodian slave market for a snickers right now…wait…i like ur movie i’ll see it i totally will ~ heather

http://www.whiteninjacomics.com/images/comics/jeff.gif do it. oh, yeah, and write somethin’ in here. please? please? your fans await –

April 13, 2004

dude… is that true? cuz i don’t think so. well, anyway… would you like to eat square hamburgers with me at wendy’s? get in the kitchen and make me a pot pie, b*tch!