This things I believe Act: II

Onto gay marriage. Personally I think marriage is a scam. I just think if you make a commitment to someone, there ya go, good enough. Ya dont need it sanctioned by a church or the state and ya shouldnt have to get a license or pay attorney fees for the inevitable divorce. And when I do actually marry someone theyll have heard my stance on how against marriage I am so many times, that itll be that much more special to em cause theyll know I dont believ in it….and Ill so get anal that night. But if gay people want that, more power to em I guess. And by the way. The democrats are wrong on this one. Both parties oppose it, but a good chunka republicans are fundamental christans. And they belive its a disease that can be cured by findin Christ. Democrats oppose it cause polls show that the majority of the people are against it. Well sometimes the majority is wrong. So thats real hypocritical.

One more thing. Warning Labels on Windex. That is the summary of everything I believe. Warning labels on windex tellin people not to drink it. I think its a lot like the reason suicide is one of the biggest of sins, a dead person cant give piety, a person whos dead or content doesnt buy things that are new and improved. My basic philosophy is anyone who needs a warning telling them not to drink a cleaning product is not worth saving.

“Responsibility for the resopnsible” Anton LaVey.

True story example. A man set the cruise control on his winnebago for 70 and calmly got up to go in the back and make coffee. Surprisingly, it crashed and rolled. He sued cause the manual didnt say the car doesnt drive itself. And in court, ruled over by a judge, a jury of his peers awarded him 1.75 million and a new winnebago. Since then the company changed its owners manual tellin people the car wont drive itself.

And I had to listen to a country station all day with some lady I trained with the other day, heres a summary song.

Well you can piss in my beer
you can beat on my woman
but dont you ever touch my flag
a flag that was made in china
but if you point out that fact
Ill stomp you a new one

Cause the US of A
is still the greatest country
although Ive never left it
I can only assume thats true
and if you dont believe that
you can go back to Alquedastan

cause American soldiers
are dying for freedom
Im not really sure in what kind of tangible sense
but thats none of my concern
cause I believe whatever Im told

and I refuse to let a peacenik commie
tell me that cival liberties are vanishing
I refuse
I refuse
Oh lord
I refuse
to educate myself on any of the issues

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I think marriage is stupid, but who am I to stop a consenting adult from marrying another consenting adult? You love me. Oh and from your last entry… I support Affirmative Action. Anything to stick it to white guys. 😉

February 16, 2004

ahh anndy i love u let me count the ways we can do it. what amind you have and im sure that ur just a sexxy as i imagin u to be cos everything online is true so yeah. so when will you coe marry me? we can go of to canadian land where the crazy pl live and do it there. ill bring a blanket cos im told its cold also, my foot hurts.

Simply love your song; Well met, Strangefeeling. My favorite warning lable is on a curling iron: “Do not insert into any orifice while hot.” *Italics added by author* Namasté

Anndy, good job! I must go tho, School sucks…much love, -anne

February 17, 2004

lets get nekked love.

February 17, 2004

wow anndy god are you brilliant eh. well i’m out of witty phrases to say so hey…fingerprints…crazy eh? doughnuts are cool 2. there are many ways to spell bologna but which is polish? ~ heather


I’ve never pretended to be somebody else…to…er…um… meh. she’s a psycho who doesn’t like me already…I’ve never really liked her either. She smoked while pregnant with MY david’s baby. f8ck her, yo. she’s one of like, the 2 people I’ve ever met I don’t like. and with a lil work, I’d like her…she’s not THAT bad. SHUT UP!

twat froth grrrrrrrreat band name

You’re dumb! stupid… who the junk gets online and says oi, then says now bye…you’re dumb..