This Things I believe

I tell ya, This things I belive. Thats a Simpsons referrence. Ahhh the Simpsons. The new bible. The answers to all questions of life, death, religion, and politics is somewhere in a Simpsons episode. That said, and havin nothin to do with my bitchin Im about to do… a handful of views….and some bitchin.

Dairy farmers have to pay $6000 a year to fund advertising campaigns for milk. Have to. Thats a lot for a farmer and from what I understand theres differnt methods and ones supposed to be better than the other, so some peoples beef is that the ads generalize all milkin methods, blurrin whatever it is there doin to make the milkin method safer and costin more for them.

So these students decided they were gonna give away a $250 white person scholarship. So ohhhhh jesus the end of the world. Blah blah theres scholarships specifically fer black people, the students screamed back. As far as Im concerned thats missin the point. The point is if someone wants to give money away so someone to go to school, er do whatever, it is no ones damn right to say what criteria you use to spend yer money. Fuck the federal government already takes a third of it to pay interest on debts they ring up, and then theres PC laws that tell people what theyre aloud to do with the remainder. If these are racist programs or not are just non issues.

Same with affirmative action or equal oppurtunity employment. If you own a buisness, if you fuckin busted yer ass fer years so you could buy a chunk of this American dream we all keep hearin so much about, who the fuck is anybody to come in and tell you you must hire this amount of women, (or fuckin smoking for that matter) or have a court rule on wether or not to award a man money because he thinks he didnt get the job because he was gay. Guess what, its there company. And if they dont wanna hire black people or gay people or men over 30, that is their fuckin right.

But what if its a giant corporation, like Walmart, that one day decides its not gonna hire a particular group of people anymore. Then a whole group of people will be will be segragated out to the point of lowerin their race/sex/sexual preffernces standard of livin. Considerin ya hate multi national corporations how ya gonna answer that one without bein a hypocrite their Anndy. HUH! Mr. Smart guy. Well, if that happened I guess people would have to get off their lazy fat letigous collective asses and organize. Stop lookin to the govt fer protection like a kid looks to his mom. Then maybe small buisness would catch a break. Cause thats one place that aint outsourcin jobs to India or China to maximize profit. They arent gettin a tax break to open a office/plant/store here, with assurances that employees wont be able to unionize, thatll be picked up by the middle class, and then shut it down and move it to east asia. But thats a bad example cause as it turns out, people losin there jobs here isnt that bad of thing.

“In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the President’s Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, N. Greg Mankiw, said, “Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade. More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that’s a good thing.”’

“Sen. John Edwards said it would come as a “news bulletin” to the American people that the economy is improving and the outsourcing of jobs overseas is good for America.

“These people,” he said of the Bush administration, “what planet do they live on? They are so out of touch.”

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Is it possible, do you think, for the economy to be doing better at the same time jobs are being lost, because Halliburton et al are banking on the war effort, so they have more money to spend? The amount of capital being spent is more, but the amount of people spending it is declining. I’m no economist, just something I was wondering…