If the mountains, crumble into the sea, let it be

I realized today that my hatred for the corporate world isnt because of the job itself, its because of the people. Oh my gawd my supervisor. Waaaaay to cutsey, waaaaaay to safe sense of humor. Thinks Mr. Deeds is the funniest movie ever made and Janet Jacksons nipple traumitized her bastard seed, dick hole, suck wad spawn.

Some big fat pregnant lady is about to pop anyday and the supervisor thought it was the wittiest god damn thing she ever said “Ohhh maybe itll be born on friday the 13th haha (cause thatd be weird er somethin)…I bet itll be born on Friday the 13th haha…wouldnt it be funny if haha….Im tellin ya Friday the 13th haha.”

HAHAHAFUCKYOU! Obviouslly youve never seen a man beat a hobo to death with an over sized wooden novelty spoon then chuckling, “Spare change? Not today my friend.” Now thats fuckin humor. Christ all day with that shit. Sittin there thinkin, …swear to….GOD! SAY IT…SAY IT ONE MORE TIME!!! ILL TAKE OUT THIS WHOLE FUCKIN BUILDIN! Afterwards the news interviewin my friends and relatives and all of em doin the cliche, “we never saw it coming” before addin “…yea I guess ya coulda kinda see it comin. He was wooo…ya know.”

Man the most beautiful folk in the world are office folk. So I belong. Anal Cunt has a song that fits, “I Got An Office Job for the Sole Purpose of Sexually Harassing Women.” Oh my, such beautiful beautiful girls. Ive had sex with someone at two of my last four jobs and ohhh I was just so close at the last one then she got fired.

Painful regret to this day. Oh that girl…mmm…yea you like that…tell me…yea thats right say my name….uhh….now get out. HA! Oh shit Im funny. And she was mulato so I coulda checked that off the list of checklist-o-ethnic-love. Cause diversity man. Diversity and love. One love….One love…lets get together…and feel all right. The great thing about mexicans, puerto ricans, cubans, and haitians, is that due to my inability to tell em apart there was just one box marked Brown People. Man, what a time saver.

Theres this hot asian girl (RE…DUNDANT) there. Like 6′ 4″ and holy body. Rawr. Normally Im not into tall girls but raaaaaawr. Intriguing. So tall. A poem!

Poem About A Tall Asian Girl While Listening To Techno

I wanna climb you
I wanna shimmy up your frame
I wanna build a fort on you shoulders
and tie a rope ladder to your arm
so I can get down

Log in to write a note

oh muh horses that was fantastico! *heh* ummm yeh—

Andrew Devittski… thou hast amazed me yet again! *dramatic swish off screen*

February 10, 2004

THERE’s that butthole anndy ive been waiting to hear from. ah yes, but we all have to try to shoe on to see if it fits. corporate people dont have street smarts, so if you tried to sell em oregano they would buy it cause they are morons. ryn. thats why i like you because you noticed the problem with the media. you dont see specials about fat women pranching around in Victoria secret do you? would

February 10, 2004

you?? funny i just thought of the reason why the gay author wrote that gay people shouldnt want to get married. im smart. its because of all the same reasons why women arent president….women still have nothing even tho they fought all these years to vote and the such….pointless. yea um chilli cheese dog punk!

ha ha! you like fat chicks! ha ha!

February 10, 2004

Oh anndy, only you could brighten my day with racial slurs, distasteful grotesque humor and expressions of hatred for other people. “I’m not lonely, I just hate people. You know who I really hate? Others.” – Some dumb obscure comedian with one good joke to his pitiful name.

February 11, 2004

oh andy….umm….oh andy. yeah. that’s it.

Perv. 😉

February 11, 2004

Anndy, yet again you prove to be amusing. and i swear, if i ever find anyone more amusing than you, i will kill that person. then send you the persons head, with a beautiful note, written on scented paper saying “this is the f*cker that was funnier than you. but not anymore!!!!” *enter sinister laughter here* mreow. a cross between ‘meow’ and a purr. 😛

February 11, 2004

faces on your panties? well i got spongebob on my thong BEAT THAT. WEE yes beat it…mmm…damn um..im gonna go… ~ heather

Anndy you are very odd…yet very funny…heh..yeah right… Katee says hello but you dun kno her…. …Anndy… its cold here and its not allowed to be…I bet you wished it apon me, didnt you, Yeah I know you did, dummy oh…much love

sounds like an asian tranny to me, but I know how you love the cock. talk to you later Lina