Yer name is Pepito

State of the Union What Really Happened

See the millions of unemployed, many with advanced college degrees? THAT is the state of the union.

See the high-paying jobs flowing to other countries? THAT is the state of the union.

See the dollar in decline and nothing left to arrest the fall? THAT is the state of the union.

See corporate executives looting their own companies and then walking free? THAT is the state of the union.

See the schools that lack basic supplies? THAT is the state of the union.

See the closed emergency rooms? THAT is the state of the union.

See the holes in the roads? THAT is the state of the union.

See the rolling blackouts? THAT is the state of the union.

See the defense budget bloat to half a trillion dollars? THAT is the state of the union.

See the new nuclear weapons the US Government is building? THAT is the state of the union.

See the billions in tax dollars pouring out to foreign governments? THAT is the state of the union.

See the American women and children sleeping in alleys and eating out of trash dumpsters? THAT is the state of the union.

See the empty storefronts and commercial vacancies? THAT is the state of the union.

See the closed factories, the rusted foundries, and the abandoned mills? THAT is the state of the union.

See the soaring bankruptcies and foreclosures? THAT is the state of the union.

See the poverty and starvation? THAT is the state of the union.

And then there are the things you don’t see.

You don’t see those nuclear weapons Iraq was supposed to be building. But we invaded Iraq anyway. THAT is the state of the union.

You don’t see chemical or biological weapons we were all assured Saddam had. But we invaded Iraq anyway. THAT is the state of the union.

And most of all you don’t see the United States looked up to as a bastion of freedom, law, and democracy any more. You don’t see the United States looked upon as a moral leader any more. You don’t see the United States looked upon as a leader in technology any more.

And THAT, my fellow Americans, is the real state of the union.

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See the Gay/Lesbian couples who can’t get married because “marriage is between a man and woman only”… See who wants to make sure we stay unequal by passing a federal bill?!? THAT’S a state of the union also … (Just thoguht I’d throw my issue in there with the mix. Rock on brotha man!)

January 22, 2004

i miss you my love. when are we gonna make monkey love? Raising cigarette taxes so no one can die from lung cancer (even if that was yet another dream the pres shot down) NOW thats state of the union =P. im a dork

January 22, 2004

YES. system of a down would be exTREMELY proud of you, anndy. 4000 HUNGRY CHILDREN LEAVE US PER HOUR FROM STARVATION WHILE BILLIONS ARE SPENT ON BOMBS, CREATING DEATH SHOWERS. but you cant write the word ‘bomb’ on your hand, or they call you down to the office… i had a FUN day tuday! ~Jus

January 22, 2004

im impressed…u should run the world. live long and f*ck hard anndy. ~ heather

January 23, 2004

i bow to yer f*ckin eternal glory man, i loves ya.