Artistic vision can suck my potty tentacle

OHhhhhh sakes alive. Man I need like a zen monastary. I think I wanna be a monk. I big bald buddhist monk. Thatd be the life. Hang out on a fuckin mountain top, havin food and a place to live and friends and then not havin any desire for anything else. Im not even kiddin I think thatd be great. Just hang out and try to obtain enlightenment. See that shits a paradox right there. Yer supposed to eliminate all desire, but yer supposed to try to obtain enlightenment. So its like yer desirin enlightenment. See I say that shit around here and someone throws a shoe(WITH CLEATS!) at me but say that in monkville and everyones like yeaaaaaaaaa. Monks are like people on shrooms.

Man thatd be dope, Id make such a killer monk Id fit right in. I wonder if monks can have goatees. Anyways yea, fit right in. Ya could say anything and people assume yer philosophical and not random and stupid. “The candle needs a wick and the sun needs the mountain.” Fuckin ay. See Id own.

That should be a movie. Some shit ass hack billion dollar comedy starrin Adam Sandler. *Monks meditatin while some lil hymn plays in the background* “The Monks of Tibet have lived in peace for seventy gajillion years, but now…their going to find out there are limits….to even their patience.” *record scratches to a halt, enter Sandler* “The West in the Hizouse!” *And cue cover of Wully Bully by like Blink 182* “To win a bet with his father, hes gonna have to learn to fit in. This Summer….Adam Sandler is…’In Another Bad Movie’ “.

Woooo, two hours of Adam Sandler saying “Poo poo wee wee” and punchin people. Its been too long!

And thered be a part where all the monks are sittin sayin deep things and its Sandlers turn and everyone stares at him and he says Can you hear me now?…good. Haaaaaahahahaha, ya get it?!? They think advertising forces us to feel like we need things that we really dont so they dont see commercials….so hes quotin a line from a commercial!!! And the monks, they dont know no better! Thats why its so funny! Ya know cause since its a movie about another culture its best just to make fun of it. Its weird how I got offended there fer a second by a movie that doesnt exist. Jesus can I easily see that bein a movie though. And if I had the chance to make it Id do it in a heartbeat. Artistic vision can suck my potty tentacle. And that is the moral. I am a sellout just waitin fer an oppurtunity.

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January 19, 2004

I saw you say this: “Monks are like people on shrooms.” and I was like “Wow it can’t get much funnier than that.” Then the rest of your entry happened.

January 19, 2004

man, that last line, it was so psuedo poetic i almost cried. and ya need to make mike myers the dad. dun ask me why, you just do.

January 19, 2004

heyyyy guess what? i was right Eagles lost….im good, im damn good, im gonna be come a psychic.

January 19, 2004

i read ur entries bc i need a release from the sane world. and in that way u are excellent. theres nothing quite like ur entries. ur so funny. i must admit tho…nvmnd. maybe not right there…maybe here. yes here. i must admit…no not here either….i must admit that its the funniest thing ever…ur diary…luv n by ~ heather the great