Suck on this ya weasel, Im goin to Mexico

In my movie Im gonna have two people awkardly after their first date talkin about what a good time they had. Nervouslly the man asks if he can see her again. She smiles and pause. Bats her eyes a lil. They look into each others eyes and slowly…cautiuslly…they lean into kiss. Then BAM an 800 pound bengal tiger leaps onto her back and begins to maul her. The mans shocked and knocked down and as he scammples (new word wooooo) to get to his feet the tiger drags the limp screaming woman off into the woods by the scruff of the neck. And the guy would be like “DAMNIT! EVERYTIME!” Later hed be at a bar with his best friend, who happens to be a girl and theyd be talkin about relationships and in a touching moment hed sigh and say “I just…I just wish I could find a girl that doesnt eventually get dragged off by various non indigiounous predators.”

At the end of the movie, hed be about to get married to the best friend girl and suddenly as ass load of animals crash through the windows, leading to one of those most climactic showdowns in cinematic history! Bam bam bam claws kicks bites the mans victorious. His biaaaatch and him embrace. “Its over.” She prematurley proclaims. But in the quiet of the distance theres a slow thumpin growin larger. And a kinda high pitched howly thing. Then CRASH a white whale busts through the double doors and mooooooo’s. Blah blah, after it looks like all hope is lost and the whale starts to get cocky, as they tend to do, the man harpoons him with a crucifix.

The man stands defiantlly over the whale. The whales on the verge of death and says “Mooo, what name ye go by, oh man who has bested me?”

The man looks down at him “Names Freep, but you….you can call me Ishmail” (Its called a book ya fuckin illeterate fucks). Oh yea and somewhere in there before hand the priest was like “DUDE CHECK OUT THIS BITCHIN CRUCIFIX I GOT! SOME CRAZY FUCK SHARPENED THE END INTO A POINT. Thats the dope shit right there nigga!” Thats called Foreshadowing.

Meh I guess its cliche, Rex Reed would call it “Tired and predictable”….and then Id kill him. But ya gotta stick with the tried and true.

See, my movies comin together bit by bit. All I need is a plot.

Political Message

Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage

Marriage counslers say money problems are the cause of the majority of problems in a marriage. SO STOP TAXING PEOPLE INTO POVERTY TO PAY FOR DUMB SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAMS YA DUMB FUCKIN MONKEY!

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wow. I mean wow. hor

“The president loves to do that sort of thing in the inner city with black churches, and he’s very good at it,” a White House aide said. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAa

sorry. that was me. in case you couldn’t tell by the beauteous sound of my child-like laughter, tinkling in the ears of the vulgar and jaded like the sound of stupid George Bailey’s gayass bell look daddy, teacher says, everytime a bell rings, an angel gets its WHACK if you say that one more time, you stupid brat, I’ll GIVE you something to cry about!

January 15, 2004

whoa dude harsh man, thats such a romantic story you should have it out by valentines day. you gotta have the man weep and be on every news station like cnn and crap reporting his horrible ordeal. bush just like making our lives horrible…f*ckin dick raising the charge on smokes, im gonna go now and shove 100 cartons up his ass. thats like saying babys cant have toys…WTF what about us!?!?!

January 15, 2004

i would so watch that movie. kick a$$. yeah. i hate it when my dates are mauled by animals. the whales gotta go tho…whales are creepy..tho the whale attack was brilliant. anyways. cookie? have u ever noticed how ham is really weird lookin? yeah me neither. goodbye& farewell ~ me

hhhhhhmmmmmmm I’m actually impressed, one day when your old and about to die you’ll actually get your movie right. lina

January 16, 2004

assasinates bush by flinging killer monkeys at him. there, all problems solved! wooo!! dude, can i star in yer movie?