Bitch Bitch Bitch

Heres the thing. I hate my life. It sucks, I mean like really. Its not like Im 14 and my girlfriend kissed someone else and its not like my dad bought me a USED car when I spefically asked for a new one. And Im not the only one with problems but bad times. Second worst period in my life. Honestly. And Im not an opptomist and apathy can only take ya so far.

So no job, dropped school, car broke. Only job I got is this part time thing. Ohhhhhh assistant loan officer. Yea fuck you its telemarketing. Crafty HR departments. I cant stand it. If people come in to get a burger, they want somethin, ya get it fer em. This is just buggin people. I mean what the fuck I did everything people are supposed to do. Everything we were taught to do. Graduate, go to college, get a good job, you is set go have kids. Doesnt work like that.

Its not even that I dont like workin Im a good worker. but man this fuckin pseudo job. See Im torn between keepin the job cause people keep jobs they hate, and dealing with the fact that the job causes me more stress then not havin one.

Ive kinda turned over a new leaf, er have a new philosophy er somethin. Honestly I dont talk to anyone ever about anythin thats botherin me ever and if I do Im incediably vague. But I was drunk and met this hippy girl at this bar. and she asked me what I did etc and I was fuckin drunk and thought I dont know ya fuck ya Im pourin my problems on ya. And she was like just do whats possible that makes ya happy. Made sense. Im turnin in this application to work at this bookstore tommorow and I dont even care what the pay is. $6 an hour, fuck it I can make rent with that. If I have to get some shitty part time job, whatever. And honestly I was like so close to considerin suicide that its like by tryin this theres nothin to lose.

People get sucked into this mortgage thing man. At my last job I worked with a lawyer, a journalist, and a philosophy major. Man these guys all had dreams about bein somethin and busted there asses to get to the point where they could pursue it. And they settled cause they were makin $15 an hour. And makin 6 bucks ya cant go out and get plasma tvs whenever ya want but yer happy ya did a job and that ya enjoyed it. And that ya know ya cant do this the rest of yer life so you have to have to keep tryin. And tryin even harder if ya have to. In a way this turned out opptomistic.

But yea man, I loved havin a set schedule, nights free, makin fat cash (fat not phat, cause fuckin come on), no weekends, stealin office supplies, but man fuck it. I have no problem gettin rid of that shit. And plus I look uber hot in a tie and if I have to wear one at work I dont feel like wearin one when I goin out so score. God damn I am a good lookin guy…Im switchin topics though so Ill stop but keep that in mind.
In any event its a bitch cause I should keep this job till I get a new one but nigga I dont know if its worth the stress everyday of worrying bout goin to it. Cause I mean sometimes ya have to just do shit no matter how bad ya hate it.

But in the end itll come down to a coin flip an hour before I have to go in tommorow. And wow do I pray the quarter comes up tails.

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December 2, 2003


you pray EVERYthing comes up tails, darlin’ –

December 2, 2003

oh anndy anndy… do what’s good for your gorgeous sparkly little monkey like soul.

Hey there pretty… Off topic, kinda but not the point of this note, yer hot in anything…. okay now On topic… Hope yer doin relativley well… bleh… yeah…I dun know what to say really just take care and you could just keep flipping the quarter til it lands heads up! Take care bud love! -Anne (signed in on a diff. diary)

Damnit… I had to rewrite the note cause it was ‘content that wasnt allowed in the note’ stupid diary junk… but that should say keep flipping til it lands heads town…tails up bud! -Anne

December 2, 2003

I’m not very good at being consoling or something, so I’m gonna tell you something relative to what a very smart, sexy, funny guy once said to me. “Suicide bad, Anndy notes good!” I changed one of the words for obvious reasons. Less than three.

wow. I think you’re actually seriously talking about your life here. That’s so weird of you Anndy. You should do whatever makes you happy. fvck money, fvck society standards, fvck pretentious education. Do what you want.

December 2, 2003

im sorry you feel this way. like you said to me goes for you, quit your job and come with me and we will take care of monkeys. and your a cool person and more popular than i can ever dream, dont ever think bout suicide cause lord knows you have more to live for than me. im just useless space buddy…im a girl need i say more? oh yea you hit your mildstone in life, it doesnt get better, i know(con)

December 2, 2003

at this age you start to realize just how pathetic life really is. not everyone can be mr or mrs corporate america making 15 bucks an hour….someones gotta make those burgers at the local burger joint. all in all im not gonna say things get better cause they dont. just stick your head up and grin while getting screwed in the @ss. its part of life……

December 2, 2003

ps- im sorry you cant express yourself

December 2, 2003

wowness u dont even kno me but hey whoa i care. oh and hello anne anyways i hope ur quarter not only flips up the right way but u find a poo-load of quarters and a monkey-minky-with it. so come on and dance for the woman ~ im heather by the by