Fuck my wombat womb

Jesus what is it with this place. Someones always fuckin and there always loud, jesus. FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME! Jesuuuus. Shut up ya dumb vagina. Thats really the bulk of my entry.

Now to reiterate, someones always fuckin here. There always fuckin loud, and this girl Jeff knows has a problem with SCREAMING real cliche porn phrases. So when I have sex now I encourage loudness. Like fuckin you have carpe blanche, at the point of orgasm yell out FUCK MY DIRTY WOMBAT WOMB THE HOLOCAUST WAS A LIE YOUR SANTA!! YOUR SANTA!!!
Hmm, that was an off the cuff orgasm phrase but man I am Mr. Improv. And tommorow Im gonna jump on my bed and have some girl scream that. The end ya weiners, go away.

And to all those who said happy birthday to me…wow, the love…I felt it. I teared up. It felt kinda weak sheddin tears over it and I think the alarm clock laughed at me…but I got back at him though. I got back at him.

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hey, look! you spoke latin! and by latin, I clearly mean french.

lol. You got back at the alarm clock, that’s awesome. I’d scream things like “You are my Uncle Jesse and I’m your Princess Michelle.” Kimmy Gibbler can watch.

November 14, 2003

heh, i just memorize long mayan- god names. nothin like yellin out ‘oh tlazcoatl!!’ to confuse a guy.

November 15, 2003

um… oh great and powerful anndy, what in HELL did you just say? im confuzled… wow, im HUNGRY! alphabet soup for ME!!!!

November 15, 2003

ryn. i dont like coffee. and i dont believe you = P you lie!

November 16, 2003

heh when i had my apartment the people downstairs were HORRIBLE about that.. i figured if one day when i saw them outside i’d be like “damn, your man must be REALLY gifted… care to share??” or something creepier… but i cant think of anything, for i am NOT mr improv. damn alarm clock.