I am Sampson and Dionysus combined

Ya know how good of a person I am? When I get famous, like I wont have a goatee, but then hmmmm, ok in this scenario I think Im in…hmmmm, Im in like a football profession. Im like a special teams coach. Hehehe “Im special!” But then Ill start growin my goatee out over the course of the season. And annoucers will start makin mention of it, just kinda when the games a blow out and there runnin outta things to talk about.

And then like week 13, our team will have a Monday night game and John Madden will circle my goatee and say somethin like “its chilly tonight for Honolulu”, and that other guy will say “…..Actually John of course were in Detroit.”

And Madden will be like “I like Thursdays, who wants chicken!” and then fer the next 20 minutes hell tell a story about how his slave master used to make chicken when he was a young black man auctioned in the slave trade, and end the story abruptly with “…..AHHH GOPHERS!” Cause that guys lost his fuckin mind man, listen to him sometime. And then hell circle my goatee again.

So then Ill be on the cover of some magazine, some loser sports magazine though like Swahili NFL Monthly, and the caption will be like Return of the goat er somethin about a goat, I dont know Ill leave that up to the fine Swhili press. But people will love it. And then people will bring drawings to the games of this hardcore thug with a giant goatee. And throw live goats onto the field during play, or dead ones if we were playin in Texas. Cause Im guessin by this point they get bored with executin people and move on to tryin farm animals fer crimes. And then like…..other stuff.

Oh yea but reason why Im a good person. So all this fervor over the goat and then what do I do? I say Im gonna shave it off, sell it on ebay, and give the money to a charity. And then it sells fer $200 and I have an obituary that ends with, “Before turning the gun on himself.”

Sometimes I think Im like Sampson and the only way I can be defeated is by cuttin off my goatee.

I guess the moral is, Im startin to incorparate morals cause I mean you learn from me…..but are you learnin enough. Yea…yea…makes ya think huh. If you want to be famous, get into football, win, grow a ridiculously long goatee, offer exclusive interview rights to the Swahili press. Its just that easy.

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October 6, 2003

beautiful morals…. 😉 seriously now! hehe hawaii!

October 7, 2003

Yeah, sometimes the I’m sorry thing really sucks. It’s like… you didn’t do anything. Or when they ask you how you are doing it is like – how do you expect me to be doing!? What do you want to hear!…hrmm I love to rant. BLAH!!!!!!!

October 7, 2003

What… * screw me * ;-( that’s not very nice – oh well.. I deserve I must look like I just want sympathy .. or something.. not quite I am just searching for something I cannot find. anyways……

October 7, 2003

* giggles * – you made me blush – grrrr… hehe, my spirtual journey is sucking.. seriously .. I think I need a few good screw yous.. ya know! I didn’t catch the last line till a second ago – but I’d gladly let you 🙂

October 7, 2003

* If only I knew where here was * … what episode of simpsons are you watching? ;-*

October 7, 2003

OOoh yeah, I DO! …. HERE IS NOWHERE… although HERE is in the EASTERN TIME ZONE…. blah why am I awake… come to think of it I am wearing my favorite shirt in the world : do you think you can handle this shirt – I don’t know- it says ” HANDS OFF: I’m SPECIAL!!” hehe and there are hands all over the shirt… there is a long story to how I got it… and Yes… simpsons.. mmhmmm

October 7, 2003

heheh.. soooo similar….sleep is for sissys!!!!!! My roomate just woke up and asked if I ever sleep… i said no. don’t think i can.. just can’t sleep.. you better write me back be for you are a loser and go to sleep!

October 7, 2003

Your Pooor roomate! no mayo! Hey, I’m no liar…. I WAS tired.. then I got all woken up bc a girl who is on the crew team came over! I bet your roomate IS a monkey, you should ask him if he wants snuggle w/ you and watch simspons… I expect a note back PRONTO.. or an IM – cheery7upper… one or the other SOOOOON!

October 7, 2003

I’m sure Jesse is fun to snuggle with , heck I wish I could snuggle with him RIGHT NOW… and.. grr GET online.. aren’t you online already.. … dum de dum I think I am bout to eat a banana… yum 🙂 …

October 7, 2003

Crew, is like rowing team…. that starts really early in the morn!

October 7, 2003

* giggles * for some reason I am thinking sesame street.. but anyways..no I am not on the rowing team, 2 girls who live on my floor are on it and I lent one of the girls my nalgene :-)… the banana is pretty tasty.. but I still don’t understand why you aren’t online…. how did you know Iloved you 😉 I mean, what girl wouldn’t love a guy with his diary being title ” winnin the war on masterbati

October 7, 2003

the war on maserbation and is located in @ the planet of threeway sex, that must be w/ your monkey aka Jesse 😉 … wowzers… see there is no way you can go to bed now!

You could donate the goatee to the Beard Club For Men. I don’t watch sports, I hate them. Oh, hey. Sorry about the other day while we were talking. I got kicked off the internet and then couldn’t get back until Sunday night. Forgives?

you should put a picture of yourself on your diary. I’d like to see this goatee….even if it isn’t really long.

October 7, 2003

dude, i was just gonna shave the mona lisa in my back hair and play topless but hey, i’ll do whatevevah floats yer boat.