My perfect angel

The kinda girl I wish to meet

Would pee on me while I lick her feet

This girl would be a chronic masterbator

Desperatly lookin to make love to a first grader

Shed be as shallow as the day is long

shed sit on my face and sing tv theme songs

Shed tell me often Hey this sex isnt free

Read books about serial killers and stare at me ominously

Id tell her I love her, shed scream she hates the blacks

Shed be prone to violent vietnam flashbacks

She has an in depth theory on the jews and square dancers

Her hobbies include throwin rocks at kids with cancer

She enjoys startin fires, this girl I seek

Maputo is the capital of Mozambique

To Kill A MockingBird, by Stienbeck; John

White power rallies are her biggest turn on

Shed stab me with a shiv so my wound she could mend

She would never care about the way a poem ends

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wow… I dunno what to say here… but umm… wow… and I really liked the funny shmunny past few entries. you rock man. 😉

Hahaha I haven’t read ur diary in a while. I should. They make me laugh. HAHAHA! see? 😛

Hey buddy…How are ya? Im good, Yes my sister sucks….er…. Great poem O_o Does this tie in with anything in my diary? o.o er…..Ya know half way through this note, I realized Im not even signed in…I should go er sumptin… take care…. -Anglea… (ansuma)

you could just have said that i’m your perfect woman. you and i both know it’s true. except i do care about how a poem ends. it should end with butterfly. all poems should end with butterfly.

You’re a nut and that turns me on. You’re so hot. That’s why I always make you take your shirt off.

i got all misty there. that was beautiful. *sob*

This is just creepy, man…I’m known around these parts for often saying how my idea of a perfect first date would be if a guy took me to a John White power rally in Maputo so we could start a fire while I quoted Steinbeck and glanced about furtively for any Charlie hiding in the trees so I COULD PEE ON THEM. This poem coulda come straight from my brain! If you weren’t so stupid, I’d be impressed.

September 25, 2003

dude, stay away from my sister…


oh oh me pick me!!!!!

September 25, 2003

ryn. least i read your entries, and visit your diary. maybe if ya came round more often i might make you an entry =P

September 26, 2003

ho-ho. so, i finally get to read the great ones work. anndy. i think. cuz if it isnt, im gonna feel like a huge arse. i thought it was awesome. not exactly what i would look for in a chick, if being the chance that i was a guy, but still. made me laugh. i may have to print that out sometime. good bye, my friend. my clown talks to me… ~Justine (anne, i love you!!! lol)

September 28, 2003

yuck. you are positiely disgusting. by the way, as a femminist, i’d rather be judged on intellectual level than superficial. my intelligence is one of the many things that make me beautiful. i can say big words and use my mind if i want to, even if i am pretty.

RYN: no silly, 9 years in the OTHER direction– I am 22, he is 31. 🙂

your words are so very lyrical – if a tad bit too satirical. I listen to Timothy Leary instead of your trickle-down-theory. you pretend to be pretentious when in fact, you’re just licentious.

holy crap – patrick ramsey’s only 24?!