bored – another survey

Have you ever seen a couple and it just made you so happy by the way they looked at each other?
yes there are lots of couples that just look so happy and i hope other people think that about me and welshman sometimes too

Love really is a beautiful thing, huh?
Yeah it’s not too bad

Are you closet to your Dad or your pet?
what? how can you choose? both the same.

Has anyone ever forgotten who you were?
of course. i’m so shy. i’m not very memorable

Are you too fat to be picked up?
depends who’s trying

Are you too weak to pick other people up?
no. i can pick jordan up! i’m stronger than i look

Name one person that you miss who has died?
Grandad Bob

Last thing that made you laugh really hard?
I laugh a lot. but i guess any time anyone in my house says “Light up your face!!”

Have you ever heard your grandmother say fuck?
Yeah. nan pam loads nan ursula a couple of times

Who are you listening to and why?
I’m watching Eastenders because it’s amazing and i’m a loser

Do you need to clean out the cat litter box?
Cats…no. just no.

Or perhaps you take your doggy outside to do its business?
when i’m at home maybe but i’m at uni right now

Where are you right now? Do you want to be there?
I am in my living room at my uni house. i should be at jordans. and no i don’t want to be here normally and now i have somewhere better to be so i definitely don’t want to be here

Name some things you need from the store:
i should get round to buying milk and i don’t have much veg left – onlu mushrooms and peppers…need some real fresh stuff

Is anything annoying you?
I keep getting pins and needles in my feet every few mins

Say fuck:
no i’m sitting on my own

Does the trash go out tonight?
Nope. sunday.

Are you going to prom this year?
went to our Optics EyeBall a couple of weeks ago

Does it annoy you to see white people acting like they’re black?

Do you think that’s racist for me to ask it like that?
No. slightly stereotypical but we all have to be occasionally to get a point across

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask… Are you a girl or a guy?
i’m a girl

So you’ll be wearing a tux?

Ask me a question:
but you can’t answer

Is there anything good on TV?
soaps. woo.

Do you think Marilyn Manson is sexy?
no. i don’t think that’s the look he was going for anyway

What about Josh Hartnett?
yeah he’s a fitty

Name everyone you were with last night?
Pete, Nicole, Jamie, Amanda, Ellie, Katie, Becky, Alex for a bit

Did anything dramatic go down yesterday?
there’s always drama in this house

Do you ever use more than one letter to stress the importance of something when you type (ex. Heeey! Whaaaat?!)
Yes.Light up your faaaaace!!

Do you miss your first love? Be honest:
Yeah i miss him as a friend but we still catch up every now and again

Who do you feel you’re becoming distant with?
laura. not a bad thing. emily and ella. neither such a great loss anymore

Does it scare you to think that you’ll never be good enough to get a decent man?
No i have one already

Did you like the American Pie movies?
yeah they’re ok. wouldn’t put them on but if they come on i’ll enjoy them

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?

Isn’t it disgusting to see obese ladies wearing skin-tight jeans that push their fat over the top of their pants?
well it’s not the prettiest sight in the world

Have you ever fucked someone on a roof?

Was this survey good?
not really

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