Don’t forget the world rotates regardless
My mum got home today and said “so why haven’t I been shown this tattoo?” “huh?” “Where’s this new tattoo of yours?” “what?” “don’t bother lying. I went into your work and Jane told me about it” I have no idea why I was worried. I think it’s because my mum is as good at lying as I am. I was like “seriously, what are you on about? You know I’m getting my tattoos so why would I lie about not having it yet? was jane dreaming or something?” My mum had started laughing before I said that so I knew she was joking anyway but I was so confused. Jane had been winding my mum up because she had mentioned to Jane about my brother shaving his hair off. *rolls eyes*
Interesting gossip I was given today. Ashley told me that my ex Ollie walked out of work yesterday after getting in a stress because some of the picks from Sunday had been left. He totally overreacted, went into the general office, handed all his keys in and walked out. There are rumours (which are more than likely true) that he is on drugs. He’s totally gone off the rails and I’m actually quite worried about him. I know he two-timed me…and was a totally insensitive, selfish wanker even before that but…I did…love? him. I don’t even want to speak to him again and I’m not going to at all but still, doesn’t mean I want him to go off the rails and get hurt or anything, right? I just want him to keep the hell away from me. Oh and I also found out that the girl I saw him in town with couldn’t’ve been Amber because she wasn’t in Lynn then…*shrugs* and anyway the way Ashley was talking, I get the idea Ollie and Amber broke up. (hah)
I gotta babysit tomorrow night. Little Lauren who I used to babysit for…they can’t get anyone to look after her so I’m gonna go down theirs. I haven’t seen her in ages so it should be cool. Although she rambles and she’s hyperactive and a show-off. A typical Lauren hehe. I think I need to get an early night tonight just to be able to cope with her. I shall have a headache tomorrow night I think.
I’m being really, really sad and having people over to watch the start of Big Brother. It’s only because my parents are away and it’s an excuse for a piss-up. Should be a laugh. I don’t really know who’s coming. I don’t really care to be honest with you. There’s only one person I want here.
Long and boring day today. Long and boring day planned for tomorrow. But at least I get to take my dog out in the morning instead of try and amuse myself at home. Need to get into school early enough to walk into town with Josh to take back his loan phone. Then I have a psychology lesson and will probably have Mrs W instead of my usual teacher. bah. I hate her and she hates me. And when I say hate, I mean detest. I am not looking forward to that at all.
Ok, I’ve rambled enough. I am not being overly interesting today. *goes back to quiet mode*
– Lauren xx