There’s no substitution for what we have
Thanks Squidobarnez my honeybunch!
What does your name mean? It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just derived from the Laurel tree but apparently *gets keyring on keys* I am intelligent and reserved with strong principles. I will never let you down (all because my name is Lauren. woo)
How old are you? 18
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? I’m pretty much on par with my age and what is expected of me I think. What’s that MIss Spears said? Not a girl not yet a woman? Something like that.
Describe yourself in 5 words: bipolar (*grins at Henry*) sensitive, moody, caring, lazy?
What are your worst qualities: my lack of determination, my internal selfishness which I try not to let affect the way I act
What are your best qualities: I try my best to put others first (even if internally I am feeling selfish)
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: depends…an hour if I can be bothered to get up. If I am still asleep when Josh gets to my house in the mornings like 10 minutes hehe (bad habit of mine..falling back to sleep and waking up when he knocks at the door)
Do you dream at night? yeah all the time
Do you remember your dreams? yeah quite a few. i go through phases of remembering loads and then remembering none
Describe one: there was one where it ended in me having to colour over chips and little round stickers on loads of windows with a black marker of one of my old teachers house. my recurring one which ive had for years is me walking to go and do something and then a voiceover saying "she was bitten" and then it kinda zooms into a part of my body that has a human bite mark dripping with blood..
What time do you go to bed usually? pretty late. early hours of the morning I guess. I don’t normally need that much sleep
What time do you wake up normally? 6.30 on a school day..7 sometimes…or 8 if it’s a day I’ve fallen back to sleep.
What time do you wake on weekends? depends really. lately I’ve been having sleep ins which has been good.can range from like 5am to 11pm lol depends if i’ve been on the booze the night before
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? working…I kinda like doing the mega days because we open mega late and then it goes dead and it’s fun..but it’s depressing leaving work and it being dark if you’ve been there for a long time.
do you sleep with one pillow or two? lots. I have 2 under my head. I have 2 laying along the side of my bed and I have a few cushions. I don’t like to feel alone in bed so I surround myself with pillows.
Did you like school? I did until 6th form. Now I detest it.
Why/why not? I was always intelligent so I could muck around and still be like top of the class. Now I’m in 6th form I actually have to try and paired with having been at this damn school for 6 years, that makes it suck.
What was ur fave subject? Always was english coz (being modest) I kicked ass at it. hehe. No, I just love reading and writing and having my own opinion as to the meanings of things. And plus my teacher was amazingly lovely.
Most hated subject? History. what’s the point? Who cares which country was attacked first by who and such and such. How will it help me? Plus I suck at remembering facts. But I guess I did like to learn about how the normal people lived in different time periods…and classics..when I studied latin, that was always cool to learn..but again, it was more about how people lived rather than what specific people did. (I guess I did have to learn about spiggin Agricola though)
Did you have a fave teacher? My english teacher Mrs Tebay was amazing. She tried to hard to get us to behave. By year 11 she gave up and just enjoyed teaching us and realised we did actually learn even if we were talking..that’s just how our class worked. It was kinda funny how she ended up just laughing and saying "shall I assume some of you need until next lesson to hand in last weeks homework?"At the end of year 11 I wrote like a little essay in a thank you card letting her know how much I appreciated the last 4 years that she had taught me. I do love Mr Fendley though..
Ever had a crush on a teacher? well we do have some fitties at our school, especially some of the PE teachers but they are just perverts
Were you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? oooh toughy. I always loved english. I started to love science and maths after 3 specific teachers..Mr Screen for chem Mr Fendley for phys Mrs Clarke for maths. But I didn’t really like drama..well I did, but I was shy hehe
Do you have heaps of friends? yeah I guess.
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? guy friends. girls are so bitchy! although the majority of my girl cluster right now aren’t like that. Emily Ella and Hubbard (Rachel Stevens not included hah)
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? yup. of course. only squidobarnez finds it impossible to get annoyed 😛
Have you ever lied to a friend? yuhuh..self harming kinda gets you good at lying
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? no thats one thing I would never do
Do you like your parents? yeah, they’re ok really
Ever run away from home? mm
Ever thought about it?
Do you have any siblings? one big brother
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? all the time
How old are they? my brother is 20
If not, do you mind being an only child? n/a
Do you feel your parents spoil you? no, I wouldn’t say so. My mum is very generous but she makes me appreciate it
Do you not get along with any of your family? I squabble with all my family but in the end I love them
Do you have big family get togethers ever? we used to until my cousin was killed..then they just kind of stopped. she was the life of the party so it wasn’t the same without her when we tried. I have a massive family so we always tried to have parties every so often but *shrugs slightly*
Do you have a religion? nope
Do you practice it i.e. go to church? n/a
Do you believe in God? nope
Jesus? nope
Satan? nope
Heaven? nope
Hell? nope
If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you? I don’t really believe anything happens. I don’t believe in the whole soul thing..I believe in emotions being caused by chemicals and brain activity and all the shizzle I learn about in psychology. It makes more sense to me. person.
Have you ever been drunk? me? drink? before work today?? no. *smiles*
taken drugs? *winks*
stolen? nope I wouldnt dare
shoplifted? look up
tried to commit suicide? mmm
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? yah..self harming again..and little white lies I guess
gotten into a fight? yuh I kinda used to be a bully lol
are you more innocent or guilty? guilty definitely lol
Would you date a drug addict? I wouldnt
have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? nope
Are you racist? absolutely not. In fact any remark that is slightly racist made by anyone gets me angry (especially people like my mum who says they aren’t racist but don’t like the welsh or the french and moans about foreigners in our town)
Are you
discriminatory to anyone? I jolly well hope not.
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? everyone is at some point.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? wide open
Do you watch tons of tv? I wouldn’t say tons but yeah I watch some.
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? man I don’t even think I have. Definitely not more than once.
Do you listen to the radio often? at school if noone has something magical to make the ipod work through the big speakers. and in the car..although not recently because whenever I’m driving Razorblade by The Strokes is on repeat lol
Do you read the newspaper? yeah our local newspaper and anything lying in the common room
Do you read magazines? yeah when my mum brings me one from the railway. i dont bother buying them though. Oh and things like Take a Break that my nan gives me to when she’s finished with them
Are you a couch potato? yeah a little lol
Do you use the internet too much? far too much
Whats your fave style of music? Anything I’m in the mood for. For instance, right now I’m in a ‘trendy’ mood so im listening to R&B *shrugs* (this is a rare occurence though)
Do you play an instrument? not anymore, no
Do you sing? When I’m alone
Whats your fave band? erm…Incubus I believe.
Why? I don’t rightly know.
Name 3 cds that you’ve bought in that last year: The Strokes, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, some kind of Modest Mouseness
Why did you buy them? because..I wanted them..?
Are you funny or serious? neither really. I’m not a funny person but I like to have fun. I’m not *serious* but…I dunno. I’m grumpy but giggley lol
Creative or not? not
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? logical
Are you outgoing or shy? externally very outgoing. that doesnt mean I don’t feel shy inside though
Are you lazy or active?laaaaaaaaaazy
Have you ever been hyperactive?define hyperactive.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? nah, not unless I’m with Hubbard
Are you happy with the way you look? erm..I don’t wanna be gorgeous anyway lol
What would you change? I dunno. Lose weight that’s for sure..get rid of some scars but I don’t wanna be a barbie doll anyway. I’m fine with being me with my faults
Do you wear makeup regularly? yuhuh. I’m an 18 year old girl Just because I don’t want to be a barbie doll doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hide any blemishes lol
Do you have a large wardrobe? hah erm..I don’t have enough room in my wardrobe to fit my…wardrobe..
Do you have a job? yuhuh
Do you like it?bad day to ask me that. I fucking hate it. But normally it;s not so bad
Are you a saver or a spender? spender most definitely. struggling to try to save right now
Do you work hard or slack off? I work my ass off usually because I know that if I don’t do it, some other employees will just leave it for my boss and thats not fair
Have you ever been fired? nope
In trouble at work?define trouble
Made a major mistake? don’t think so. not that I can remember
Ever had money stolen from you? yes. Lots. Bitch Greebo trying to be both girl in Greece.
Are you always broke? well..yeah quite a lot of the time. I’m a spender, lol
Hope you don’t mind that I’m stealing this 🙂
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Hope you don’t mind that I’m stealing this 🙂
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😀 dug your answers to this, chicaroni. RYN: hehehehee *joins in the dance* SO EXCITED! 😀
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😀 dug your answers to this, chicaroni. RYN: hehehehee *joins in the dance* SO EXCITED! 😀
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