The V-Day Depression Kicks In
Happy Valentines Day
yes yes it is that time of year again where those people in a relationship suddenly either think it is amazingly wonderous or recognise major faults and those people who are single either get depressed or get pissed of at those in relationships and try to hide their jealousy with anger at how the holiday is just something made up by card companys to make money. I fall into the depressed category. I wouldn’t be. I probably wouldn’t’ve even noticed it was valentines day if it hadn’t’ve been for last night. You see, lots of people from my school were going out on the town. One person, Ed, asked me to go. I felt bad saying no so I asked who was going. There were few people who advertised the outing as having any possibility of having a good night. Don’t get me wrong, there were people I liked. But, there were also people who wouold ruin it for me. Emily was going who is a close friend. Joe, who i really like. Gemma, who I also really like. But Gemma didn’t count in wanting me to go because Caroline and Joanne were going. Caroline I hate and Joanne lacks any kind of personality. The other people I don’t really know that well. Apart from Becky who actually helped to improving the night. anyway, back to topic, I invited Ollie out to keep me company. Just because we’ve actually been getting on recently and I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve spend with eachother.
well, me Emily and Ollie decided to escape because we were bored with watching the others have sensible little chats and play with their phones. we wanted to dance. so we ran and said we would meet them in the club they were going to once they decided they had enough energy or something. Had a brilliant night. We did meet up with those guys and some others and had a wicked night. We didnt have to struggle for conversation we just partied. And a couple of Ollie’s mates were there. Ollie had to leave early because hislittle sister had gotten into a fight at the disco she was at and he had to go drag her home. We had a hug goodbye..and then it lingered a little..and then it got awkward and then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. *sighs* fuck, why the hell do I still like him so much??
*sighs dramaticly* then after he left his friend started hitting on me. I got pretty pissed off. And I’m talking to Ollie over MSN now…he knew his friend was gonna do that because of "something he had said earlier" which means..what the hell did he say about me? im curious. perhaps because i want to know what ollie said back. I dont know. I want him to like me again. I want to be with him again. I jst don’t want him to automatically turn into a wanker just because we are going out. *pouts*
Valentines day sucks ass.
(Plus I havent spoken to Henry in donkeys. If he doesnt come online tonight I shall cry. I gotta tell my Hens that I love him on Valentines day and my phones are fucked so…*sighs*)
Eh, your V-Day could’ve been worse, no? Thankies for the note and happy v-day to you as well 🙂 ♥♥♥
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Eh, your V-Day could’ve been worse, no? Thankies for the note and happy v-day to you as well 🙂 ♥♥♥
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Happy Valentine’s Day.. I’m rather bitter about this ‘holiday’ myself. I get depressed as well, or atleast this year I did. Ugh, I almost cried like 3 times throughout the day.. lol.. darn couples.
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Happy Valentine’s Day.. I’m rather bitter about this ‘holiday’ myself. I get depressed as well, or atleast this year I did. Ugh, I almost cried like 3 times throughout the day.. lol.. darn couples.
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Aww hon im sorry, i hate hearing you so down. Keep your chin up girl, theres so much in your future for you to look forward to. Sounds like Ollies causing you alot of grief without even realising it. Its so hard when you fall for someone so much, the only thing that can solve it is time and fate! Whatevers meant to happen will happen and for a god rason too, just dont let life get you too down in
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Aww hon im sorry, i hate hearing you so down. Keep your chin up girl, theres so much in your future for you to look forward to. Sounds like Ollies causing you alot of grief without even realising it. Its so hard when you fall for someone so much, the only thing that can solve it is time and fate! Whatevers meant to happen will happen and for a god rason too, just dont let life get you too down in
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the meantime. I know thats easier said then done sometimes but every cloud has a silver lining and eventually your find yours! Keep smiling huni, it aint over till the fat lady sings!!! xxx
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the meantime. I know thats easier said then done sometimes but every cloud has a silver lining and eventually your find yours! Keep smiling huni, it aint over till the fat lady sings!!! xxx
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