Oh my lordy lord!
The grudge is soooo scary. i just got back from seeing it and omg, it’s so good. so freaky. i really want it on dvd! im seriously on such a high…immense!!
anyway…calming down to discuss life…
psychology first today…erm…not much interesting to say.we’re performing a psychological experiment (or 3) on our class next lesson to prove the multi-stage theory of Sensory, long and short term memory. maths second. cant remember much about that lesson. sat and doodled the initial of everyone in the class and made a pretty pattern with each. not a clue what we’re learning about.biology third. they hyper girl who is in my biology (great friend) was doing a public speaking contest in a church in front of Anne Robinson (yes, the Weakest Link one) lol, how funny. so she wasnt in the lesson and we were doing an experiment and it was no fun withouit her. well, actualyl it was coz we got to make apple juice with apple pulped the night before and it looked like shit and smelt sooo bad. then i got our of tutor time (it’s long one day so we can leanr about life without form group etc) becaue i volunteered to be part of a group with this bloke doing someresearch about why the amount of people inour area who go to uni is so low and he wanted our opinions etc and it was supposed to last for tutor time but then it kinda ran over and we missed last lesson. then, after school i stayed to help with these year 8s as i do every friday. its called playing for success.they come and do an hour of maths or literacy or ict activities linked to either dancing or football and then go and do an hour of either dancing or football andit’s a competition over the year, the boys get football shirts with their team names onthe back and it’s really good. i help with the maths group and they are all SOO loud. i swear i was never that hyper in year 8.
anyway, then i went home…went upstairs to get in bed to warm up and fell asleep (sencond time this week) dad woke me up (in a very scary way – put his face rigth inf ront of mine then shouted my name so my eyes flew open and there was this face in front of me, i nearly scream!) got up, washed my hair, dried my hair, put on makeup (including purple eyeshadow today, lol) went to cinema and the rest is history…well… it all is
i have so much to say, im really excited, my whole body has been tense for two hours because i was so scaredin the cinema and im just bubbling with excitement, my head is spinnign and i dont knwo what to talk about first!! argh…i think ill calm down first, lololol
Purple Eyshadow xxxxxx
i heard the grudge wasn’t that greati guess it depends on who you askxoxo
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well, it scared me! But I’m a wuss…
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