Go Pea!
all the people who were outside understand…pea, i’ll fill you in later.
anyways, i figured i’d write just to let you all know i’m still alive.
Anyways, i’ll write more later…*cause binka is tired*
buh bye
all the people who were outside understand…pea, i’ll fill you in later.
anyways, i figured i’d write just to let you all know i’m still alive.
Anyways, i’ll write more later…*cause binka is tired*
buh bye
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Yaay for being alive. it’s fun. i’ve got dance tonite, and i’m driving liz home…so be outside at like 9:15!! hehe, i wanna see you. love ya buh bye
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ya pea!!! i agree binka friends from gibsons call girls like “her” are called SPAGS!!! ill tell you later where the term spag came from. love ya lots!!
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i am takin geology next sem!!!!! it’s just a matter of whether we’re in the same block or not!!!!!! love yoos!
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hey, glad to hear you are still alieve and kicking. Hope shcool and everything is going well for ya.hope to talk to ya soon!
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RYN: I think be a hopeless romantic is alright… at least I am a romantic person. =) ttyl.
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Yay me!!!!!!!!!!!! *does the “Go Pea” victory dance*
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you know who started the “go pea” chant? ME! hehehe… *starts to chant again*
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