NoJoMo 12
Yesterday was absolutely miserable. I woke with a headache and within an hour or two I had a full blown migraine. Absolutely miserable. Didn’t go to church…didn’t even get dress! Today was better. I still had a small headache this morning and some mild dizziness and stiffness. Which is normal when I have a really bad migraine. I use to refer to it as my hangover. Got up though and typical morning, breakfast, shower and took Angela to school. Came home and fooled around on the Internet and read on my latest book. Then finally got down to cleaning. Got the living room cleaned, the table cleaned off, two loads of dishes run and several loads of laundry done. Also downloaded all my shows from the last couple of weeks. I’ve been doing so much reading I’ve kind of gotten behind on them! After I picked Angela up I worked on some bows and cooked dinner. Since then been hanging with my darling! Well off to continue catching up on my shows!
I only get one or two migraines a year and I got one yesterday. It was nasty! I missed my second class and I was in bed for about 19 hours
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