When You Pull From the Dusty Shelf…
I find myself begging
begging to breathe
begging to live
begging not to cough
begging to live the way a fire burns
Benzedrine shots a beautiful thing
What you’re feeling is forgottenness
You have a way, Ripplewave stepping on the bus that makes it look like you’re stepping off one that’s already pulling away
A way of describing things that makes it infinitely interesting, and it doesn’t matter what you’ve said
Twitch, go
The next great American novel won’t come from me
I haven’t had an original thought that didn’t end up being someone else’s
We sit back and we dream about running from our 9 to 5s
We dream and then do nothing
A picture used as a bookmark to remind you who you are
I see a lot of myself in this.
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I see a lot of myself in this.
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I see a lot of myself in this.
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Dream and do nothing… very true
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Dream and do nothing… very true
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Dream and do nothing… very true
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Good reminder to me to follow my dreams before time runs out.
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Good reminder to me to follow my dreams before time runs out.
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