A Prayer Request – Change Is Hard

A little background for this entry: My dad has been a pastor (leader of a church) for my entire life. He’s pastored about 5 churches. Some he was the church planter, others he was just a fill in pastor. But all of them we all invested a lot into the churches. Every time we have to leave one is hard. 

My dad just "resigned" as the pastor for our church campus (There are three campus’ to our church. The one my dad lead was the newest). I put resigned in quotes because if he hadn’t resigned, he would have been laid off. The church just wasn’t growing as fast and as much as the main pastor wanted, so he basically gave up on my dad and cut him loose. I have invested more in this church than any other before. The youth group is literally my second family. I’m closer to those people than my real family. Everyone in my family (mom, dad, and brother) are leaving. They will let me keep going to the church, but it will be different. My dad is extremely heartbroken. He just sees it as another failure under his belt. I think maybe it’s just not God’s purpose for him to be in ministry. He says he’s absolutely done with ministry and is now looking for some kind of a job in sales. I don’t know how to feel about all of this. Everything is just happening so quickly.

I don’t know if anyone will even ever see this. But if you do, and you happen to be a Christian, my family could use prayer.

<3 Ally

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