To My Friends…
This is inspired from Elizabeth’s and Jenni Penny’s od. They both talked about what they are thankful for. This is my chance. I’m going to go name by name instead of group by group. Cause then this would be the shortest entry in history ain’t gonna happen.
Schlampe-You’re my best friend. Though I hardly see you. You are, you always will be. No one can make me laugh and smile the way you do. And I can’t think of anyone else who litrarly goes exactly through what I do the way you do. You know what I mean, and we should stop but we won’t cause that’s us.
O Sarah-I owe the world to you sometimes. You take care of me. And you know how I am emotional and how I have trouble talking. But you never let me down. You never leave me. You are one of the most kindest people I know. I wish I had that kind of kindness.
Elizabeth-What can I honestly say about you. I mean here you are like a little sister. You give me the advice, I need. You are my strength when I’m to weak. You make me laugh. You are the only person in the whole world I know I can cry in front of. And even then I can’t stop when others come around. You force me to accept the things I refuse to accept and I’m glad for that.
Jenni Penny-The penniest Jenni I know! I hardly see you anymore. But everything we did this summer, you were the one who was the cutest and the sweetest. I wish I was that sweet. You always knew how to make me smile with childish antics, that I am even guilty of.
Jenny Roden-The crazy one. You are the true defination of the word random. You make everything fun. But you can be serious at times and that’s one of the best qualties anyone I know could have.
Val-What can I say. You are the must insightful person I know. If there is a subject to be discussed I know you have an opinion. And we all miss you all the time. You mean a lot because you listen and are fun to hang out with.
Matt Worth-My twin brother. You always make me laugh and keep me company when I’m scared. One of the few people in the world who knows what I’m talking about when I say one of the following,”Am Panatonic” and “Vandals.” The only other punk rocker in my life that understands the obessions.
Desi-I know I don’t talk to you hardly ever. But I read your od and you read mine and leave the sweetest notes and I know you care. And I know you are still my friend and that means a lot to me.
Jess-You are the sweetest person I know. You always listen to me and help me out when I’m upset. When I think of those nights when I was so bad, I don’t think I could of made it through them without you. And I’m so thankful for those nights and knowing you.
Adam-The crazy ronin. Though you are always funny and all that stuff that goes along with it. You are also insighful and a good listener just like Jess. (Which you two are the cutest copule. Sorry had to throw that in there.) And I don’t know anyone who can ever argue the other side of the coin either.
Mat King-The myseterious one. You are a good listener and the only person I don’t mind it when there is silence. Because sometimes I don’t have things to say and I just want to be alone with my thoughts. But you are a good friend and I know if I ever need someone to be there you will be.
Matt Cox-As much as I hate you sometimes. You are really there for me. You know when I’m upset and you know to ask. You are the only person I can’t lie to when I’m talking about being upset. I can’t be like I’m not. It’s not possible with you. And I’m glad I work at Blockbuster with you. As annoying as you can get at work and as lazy as we all think you are, you really do get a lot done and we couldn’t do any of it without you.
These are my friends, who are like family. And I’m glad they’re there. I couldn’t make it through a day without them someway somehow. They all play an important part in all of my life and I’m thankful for that.
I have many acquintances in my life, but very few friends.
awww i love you sonja
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awww i love you sonja
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awww i love you sonja
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just a few friends?!?! look at the list, sweetie. you have lots of them! and we love you lots! take care :o)
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just a few friends?!?! look at the list, sweetie. you have lots of them! and we love you lots! take care :o)
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just a few friends?!?! look at the list, sweetie. you have lots of them! and we love you lots! take care :o)
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i love you honey!
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i love you honey!
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i love you honey!
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I’m so flattered to be in your od once again. I think I am going to have to dedicate an entry to you. Keep smiling.
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I’m so flattered to be in your od once again. I think I am going to have to dedicate an entry to you. Keep smiling.
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I’m so flattered to be in your od once again. I think I am going to have to dedicate an entry to you. Keep smiling.
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