Shoppin (pics!) and Xmas (more pics!)

So, my parents cashed in a huge jar of change they’ve been collecting for like 15 years and sent me the money- about $880- to help buy work clothes and text books and groceries and school supplies and so on and so on… during my internship.

Most of it’s gone already. I spent $350 at Sams Club- I bought chips, bread, meat (chicken and beef), hummus, canned fruit, olives, frozen veggies, chicken nuggets, fruit snacks for lunch boxes, a case of capri suns, toilet paper, garbage bags, paper plates and bowls, lots and lots of boxed and canned goods that will keep forever so that when we’re starving during the year I’m student teaching, we’ll have something. I got cases of tuna and mac n cheese, too. And american cheese slices, and string cheese, and a big ol’ tub of lunch meat, etc etc. Lots of goodies 🙂

I also spent $211 on back to school clothes for Kasin (which he picked out himself) and some work clothes for me.

I got two pairs of pants (I can’t wear jeans, yoga pants, or sweats for student teaching, which is all I own! lol) 

(they’re black khakis)

I got two cardigans:

and one in purple:

I have a white one already, too. I figure these will be great to wear over tank tops, cuz I have a ton of solid coloured tank tops and I tend to get hot.

I got a few polos for $7 each:

I also got a black one and a blue one. I figured these would be easy and comfortable and still "professional"


He has another pair at home already, too

Some sweats that should match everything- I would have liked to get him more of these, but they didnt have his size in any other colours.

He got two packages of these

He picked this shirt, which is.. well.. whatever makes ya happy, kid. lol

Ninjas and books, two things he loves 🙂

Another Ninja shirt

Dino skeleton shirt- he really likes purple, so he was stoked about this one.

More purple 🙂

He also got a 3-pack of wife beaters and a 2-pack of white undershirts, which I figure he’ll wear under his red button up

I also decided to do a little bargain shopping for the kids for xmas.. I know it’s crazy, because it’s December, but we are going to have NO spare money this year, and I figured it was best to start collecting things slowly as I find them for cheap, so I looked around on ebay for gifts under $10 and made out pretty well.

A lot of Harry the Horrible books for $7 (Kasin)

7 Magic Treehouse books for $2!! (Kasin)

A sonic wii game for $8 (Kasin)

These dino figures with moving limbs for Milo, I got them for $4.

This $2 art book for Kasin- he has a set of oil pastels that he super loves

a 12 " Waluigi plushy for Kasin, $7

A Shaun the Sheep 5" "Shirley" plush for Milo – $1

And a Shaun, also 5", also for $1.

$5 Elmo soccer ball for Milo!

I don’t know what else to get for Milo.. I am thinking about a couple of those magnetic Melissa and Doug puzzles with the "fishing poles" to pick up the pieces with… maybe some new paints, cuz he has used his mostly up, and I always get the kids new drawing pads for xmas…

I’ve also bid on a few Mario plushies for Kasin, because they were each 99 cents.. there’s a Bowser, a Racoon Mario, a Racoon Luigi, and a Wiggler the worm guy, A Sonic Riders game for $3, Wario Land game for $3, and some Pikachu ear buds for $1, which I figure he can plug into his 3DS. I’ve been putting everything on PayPal credit "Pay me later" option, which I will pay off when I get paid for babysitting Josh (who had for 8 consecutive days, including overnights.)

Ross’s dad decided to just take out the 20k loan in his own name and give us the money "as we need it" rather than just giving us the whole lump sum at once, which kind of pisses me off, because he clearly doesn’t think we can be responsible with the money. He cut us a $6,750 check to pay up our rent till December, plus the backed rent we have owed since June, and 2 months worth of late fees. He’s bringing me a check for $450 tonight to cover me buying the rest of my text books and getting my wisdom tooth pulled on the 1st.

I’m seriously pissed that the money is on lock down, because he clearly doesn’t think that a.) we can handle it, and b.) we need all of it. We are also going to take both of our cars in to get tuned up before winter, and to have my tires swapped out. We need to save about $4,100 of it for next semester’s classes (January) and text books will probably be another $200-300. Ridiculous.

It makes me crazy that I have to write him an email to ask for money to buy something. I have to explain what I need, how much it will cost, and why I need it, and then he’ll give me the money for it. Ross needs to make an appointment for his tooth extraction, as well, and that will cost at least $300.00 … I will also have three fillings I need to have done after the wisdom tooth gets pulled, and who knows how much those will be. Ugh. Also, who knows what getting the cars fixed up will end up costing.

WHICH REMINDS ME! I took my car in a few weeks ago when it wouldn’t start, and it turns out I was OUT OF COOLANT. wtf. There’s no leak or anything, but I was 2 gallons low. He filled it up and she’s been fine since that, but it turns out the guy who works at the shop Heather recommended (who she speaks SO highly of and was telling me again and again how awesome and great he is and how he explains everything to her really well and makes sure she knows how to check this and that and how to fill up blah blah, and so on) is JUSTIN, the guy I had a … semi-serious thing with for a while when I lived at Cedarwood Apartments and Erica was my manager. Anybody else remember that?? He was a little bit g thug for me, but he was sweet and we got along really well.. it was awkward as hell to figure out how we knew each other and then stand there like  OHH YEAAAH .. we used to fuck a lot! A LOT! and really, that was pretty much our whole relationship. Hahaha… but he was super sweet..

Anyways, he has two kids now, a 2 yr old girl and a 9 mo old boy, his daughter is about the same age as Milo! Ha.. small town.

So, that’s all the news that is news, I suppose. Spending money and preparing for my internship. Im going to hit up Value Village tonight and see if I cant find a few more work tops for cheap, and possibly skirts, but I doubt it, skirts always look ridiculous on me. I’m also going to dinner with Heather, her treat, HURRAY! ðŸ™‚


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Sounds like you got a lot of great things. 🙂 What a relief to not have to stress about rent until the new year, too. 🙂

July 30, 2013

So glad both sets of parents were able to come through and help out. Very nice!!