For Kasin’s seventh bday party. It turned out awesome. 🙂 I free handed Sonic on there, man. It was hard core. Im not sure why this line is a link.

lilypie - personal picturelilypie second birthday tickers 






lilypie - personal picturelilypie kids birthday tickers

































































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February 26, 2012

You did an awesome job!

February 26, 2012

Amazing freehand!!!!!!

February 27, 2012

You are so awesome. Come make cakes for my kids! lol

February 27, 2012

WOW!That’s an amazing cake!

February 27, 2012

Wow, that looks awesome!

Very awesome! Ashley

February 27, 2012

Wow. I’ll bet Kasin is thrilled. 🙂

February 29, 2012

That is an AWESOME cake! Very creative =)

March 1, 2012

Amazing job! Was it totally yummy?

March 4, 2012

ryn: sadly, no, they did not cover the cost. which is why i’ve not had new glasses since 2005. i had to pay for them myself. i went to america’s best and did their 2 for 69.95 deal, but by the time i got everything they said i needed, i ended up spending 215 dollars. i’m on ohp standard and they don’t cover vision.

March 4, 2012

ryn: (cont) and having the same glasses for 7 yrs realllllly messed my eyes up bad. so i’d seriously scrounge up whatever you can and get some new ones as soon as you can. i didn’t realize how bad my eyes were until i went to get these.

ryn: I just think a bench in the second row is a pain in the butt, haha. Especially if you have carseats in the second row, which we will, it makes it a huge inconvenient pain to try to fold down that bench to get back to the 3rd row. I would have never realized how handy 2nd row bucket seats are if we hadn’t rented that Enclave, it was awesome and so easy for people to just climb back into the 3rd row to sit!

AND, I saw these pictures on Facebook and forgot to tell you how AMAZING you did on Kasin’s cake!

the cake looks awesome!!