
I’m wondering if I should put up some of the other fiction I’ve written or will write. I’d want to make another ‘book’ for it and make it Friends Only, but I wonder, would anyone read it? I’m not exactly talented, but I do enjoy writing.

I’m also working on this short story, trying to figure out the basics of the characters in my head, and I came across an idea that I’m not sure if I want to use. I was thinking about the female bodyguard and was trying to make her a ‘hard’ character, someone who has had no one in their life to depend on but herself. I got to wondering who her parents were and I came up with an idea that makes me pause. My idea is that she comes from a village that was attacked by the ‘bad guys’ that live in the north (or non-German/viking/Russian type place). They murder every male in the town, from the youngest child to the oldest man, then proceed to rape every surviving woman they can, including a priestess that cruses the town to never have another male child until every one of the bandits is dead. Please keep in mind, this is a fantasy novel and things like this have happened in history. I’m wary of the idea because one: RAPE and that’s bad and 2: ‘Rape as a back story’ is a thing. Mind you, the character won’t have been raped, but she is the product of rape. I would like to use the idea and handle it in a mature manner. I’m just not sure if the idea is something I should use. Thoughts?

Well, I’m going to bed. Later, space cowboys.

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I think you do have talent with writing. As for people reading on this site, that’s a different story. Personally, when I have internet time, I get a couple of minutes at a time to see what people are up to. Not enough time to get involved in reading a story. Not sure how anyone else does their own internet time. If you want to post, you absolutely should.

Have we already talked about self-publishing? I think it’s a trend that should stick. 50 Shades was self published at first. It just seems silly that so many creative writers in this world should wait to be “accepted” by a deluded publishing company. When you’re done with one, just put it out there. Count me in as one buyer.