Seth Cohens a tool

I am excited because the guys decided not to leave until next weekend! which means ErikKorhonen can come to the b-day dinners!
So then I can be like HA greg, he did last for more than 2 family events, actually 3 if you count memorial weekend at cabin.
But on a sad note lol
I am really going to miss the my bro, TC and Berg when they move out. Berg just came up and wanted to know if we wanted to grill (its 1 am)
its just little stuff that is going to suck when its gone. And I will hate not feeling secure with whoever moves in down there. ugh.
I lost my no eating bet too. Erik was making bacon and I was like, Goddamn. As I was holding a piece, he was like "did you eat some? if you did I wont tell…" I shook my head and then he was like, "alright let me smell your breath"
I was busted. But it was worth it, it was good bacon.
So hopefully i will get my Perkins trip tomorrow, although if we go early, peter will have to go. Which is ok cause peter is the coolest ever. I wish I had a little brother like him.
I am bored.
Erik and matt are out on the porch with Berg, hopefully not being loud (my neighbor hates us), and I am just content. Bored was the wrong word.
This summer is going to be grand
Camping, boundry waters, North Carolina, friends, smiles, korhonen, anxoiusily awaiting responses, whatev
I moved rooms AGAIN. Which means our kick ass paint job is being re-done on the other room. even though it wont be nearly as cool. I think I have made up my mind though.
Jimmy Hanson called me the other day.
it was a (good) long hour conversation. a lot was let out. we both told eachtoher we were seeing other people, which was a huge relief. I think he truely wants to be friends, which is fine by me.
I really just want to go to sleep.
Erik has to leave super early, and is Matthew stays, so does he. I want to wake up late, go to the beach with Erik and peter, finish painting, and call it a day. AND eat chicken strips.
Speaking of those..
I finally agreed to hang out with Chris. I figured, why not. so we are gonna grab a bite at Fridays I believe on Friday…ha
I was like "lets meet halfway..lets go to the one in roseville.."
so we’ll see
weekend improved 100%
I am super excited to play in the v-ball tournament Saturday!
I’m off

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Jimmy Hanson…Sounds like a pop punk band. Even that kids name is gay. Gawd!

June 17, 2005

Who are you, you should leave your name or something! THat is a funny/random comment..But you cant leave that randomness without a name, GAWD 🙂 ~*Bri*~