♥ Busy Bee.
Heylo :]
This has been a pretty busy week I must say! Feeling knackered now.
Last Saturday I went to a party at my old school favourite Darren’s house :] was good to see folk again. Got completely wasted… I have not been that drunk ever I don’t think. Ended up coming home at about quarter to 7 Sunday morning! Then I was illllll on Sunday. Never in my life had I been sick from drink. But I spent all of Sunday in my bed and only got up to throw up. Wasn’t the best experience of my life. I think it was coz I hadn’t really eaten and I mixed my drinks. Woopsy. Then on Monday I didn’t do much during the day but went to Emma’s at night with Laura to watch The Rocky Horror Show in preparation for Wednesday. Then on Tuesday night I went round to Amy’s house and we watched The OC (which was amaaaaazing) and had a wee chin wag. Then Wednesday.. Valentines… I went uptown with Emma during the day shopping. And at night Myself, Laura, Emma and Keziah went uptown. We went to Frankensteins first where they were having a Rocky Horror night (hence watching the film) and then headed to City. Seen Johnny which was good. Kept losing the girls though and we couldnt find each other for like the whole night coz we were both looking for each other lol. Then I had to get up at HALF 8 on Thursday morning and get the bus at half 9 to go to an interview at the job centre. Was pretty scared but it went ok. I better get a job soon before I go out of my mind. I hardly got any sleep on Wed night and had to get up early so was cranky the whoooole day due to lack of sleep. Slept soundly on Thurs night though :] Then lastnight… Friday… went to Club Earth with Laura, Amy, Emma, Kez and some of her mates. Was piss poor. Worst night at club Earth ever… well comes a close second to the night where all that shit happened with Wardy and Birch. Felt bad for Amy coz it was the first time she came with us and it was just a poor excuse for a night out. Waste of money if u ask me. Wish I hadn’t went so I had money to go to Stereo tonight 🙁 God damn. Laura pulled this Dave guy though. Was well sweet he’s lovely. So fingers crossed for her!
So after that eventful week here I am with nothing to do on a Saturday. Feeling bored already and its only quarter past 2. Got the whooooole day left to be bored. Wish I was doing something tonight. Anything. Feels like a waste of a Saturday.
I have James Morrison tomorrow though! :] Woohoo cannot wait. Maybe it’s better that I don’t do anything tonight then, save myself lol. Done something every day this week maybe I need a break.
I wonder what next week has in store for me. Probably nothing since I’ve been so busy this week. Well I’m just rambling now so I may as well love you and leave you. Back to boredom land….
Cyaaa xox
you’re invited. so play lost. http://www.lost.eu/1e47f hope next week is better for ya
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Aww thats good you had a great time =) xx
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Ah ha, found you from the other diary link. Whoop, what fun you get up to! Sucks about being ill/terribly hungover tho… I had a bored day today. I think it must be a talent managing to waste a day so well. B-) All my love, oooxxx
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