So some random adds me on MSN, starts talking shit to me and then blocks me so he cant get it back. WANKER.
david says:
u like 9 inch
I’m falling apart to songs about hips and hearts. says:
yeah and i’m gonna answer tht
david says:
why not
I’m falling apart to songs about hips and hearts. says:
why would any respectable person answer a question like tht
david says:
do u like 9 inch
I’m falling apart to songs about hips and hearts. says:
do u like being a perverted weirdo?
david says:
And I’M the whore?! lmao what a sad pathetic excuse for a human being.
Anyone want the addy to give him some abuse? =P
Over and out.
P.s. That guy was 26! The words ‘grow’ and ‘up’ spring to mind.
random pervs lik tht drive me mad! lol
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wanker. ha. is it like an insult? or a form of wang? is it britianlandish? because that would explain why i have no idea.
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Random Noter* Some people are so pathetic! What a loser! Good luck with random people in the future!
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thanku for the note! 🙂 yeh t in the park was AmazinG!! :] im still recovering lol
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