Catching up w/ pics

Friday- Well, we made it through the week without a nanny!  Now we have three weeks to get a temporary one before my maternity leave begins.  I think we’ve settled on the cameras we want to purchase for the house:
We can view them from our iPhones while the nanny is there, you can pan and tilt them to look around, it has audio so you can hear (meaning we obviously have to inform the new nanny they’re there since its illegal to record with audio without a person knowing) and it has night vision so if the lights are off you can still see!  Not to mention, the price isn’t horrendous.  I like the fact I can hear what’s going on and since we’re going to put one in both kids’ rooms, someone can’t just turn off a light and spank them or physically discipline or something, thinking we can’t see because it’s dark.  That only came to my mind recently when thinking about how the last nanny turned the light off and then dumped Emily in her crib for five minutes…who knows if she spanked her or something before putting her down.
We need a minimum of four cameras, so it’s not going to be cheap, but it’s worth the peace of mind and to insure my kids are safe and being taken care of properly.  We’ll have to buy and install the cameras soon though, before we start interviewing people for the nanny position.
My daughter is crazy.  Sometimes I think it would be interesting, out of pure morbid curiosity, to let her not nap since she’s been fighting it SO hard and just let her stay up and see what time she actually drops.  I almost bet she could wake up at 7:30am, take no naps, and still be trying to play and avoid bed at 1am.  She doesn’t just fall asleep when she’s tired like most kids seem to.  Of course that wouldn’t be what’s best for her so I’ll never actually see, but I think it would be surprising!  She’s only going to be little for so long though. =)  She’s been super clingy to me at bedtime lately and it breaks my heart.  It is so hard for me physically to bounce her, being gigantically pregnant and all, so Bryan has to do it.  She cries the second I put her in his arms, just wants me to bounce her, then I’ll kiss her and say goodnight, close the door, and listen to her scream "mama!!" for a half hour plus. =( But she won’t allow us to put her to sleep any other way.  I ask her if she wants to sleep with mama in bed.  No.  And if you try anyway she screams and cries and tries to crawl out of bed.  She doesn’t want to be held, she doesn’t want to be in her crib..she just doesn’t want to go to sleep. The day before yesterday I broke down and bounced her and at least that made it so there was no crying..but jeez, I really shouldn’t be doing it.  It is very painful at this point.  Yet another reason I am looking forward to this pregnancy being over.  I realize we will have to set some boundary and go through a different bedtime routine at some point, but I can’t stand the hysterical crying.  And people always say they adapt and eventually it stops…but like I said, she has some sort of super power that makes her immune to needing sleep, lol.  I think it would literally take months and months of loooong crying stretches to do it another way.  And none of us are ready to do that.  If she could understand us better and we could talk to her about things it would make it so much easier, but that’s obviously not going to happen any time soon.  At least she’s been sleeping straight through again after she finally goes to bed.
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 2

6, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; “>Monday- It’s been a great weekend at my mom’s.  We came up Friday even though my mom was still in Disneyland with my sister and the kids.  Saturday we were able go to the game farm and visit Bryan’s grandma.  It wasn’t the best visit, as a cat scratched Emily the minute we got there and then an hour later a dog jumped on her and left lovely marks on her chest.  She didn’t cry, but it looked horrendous.  It looked like immediate bruising at first, but it ended up that the skin had been scraped off and just looked like bruising in the light.  I’m trying my hardest not to blame Bryan because the second the dog came in I said pick her up, and he did.  Then he walked in the other room with her and the next thing I know she’s hurt.  I don’t know why he put her down.  It looked really bad that day, but she heals quickly and it’s just two little scrape marks now that will be gone by the end of the week.  I just hate when she gets hurt. =(
I’m jumping around, but I forgot to mention that I felt Caden having the hiccups for the first time on Friday!  I never felt them a ton with Emily either, so I’m not surprised its the only time I’ve felt them.  
Bryan hung the letters in his room last week:

We still have some more stuff to hang around the room, need to put a curtain rod and curtains up, etc., but there’s not a lot left to do before be gets here!  57 days until his scheduled evacuation. =D I can’t wait.  I’ll probably start washing his clothes in the next few weeks and hanging them.  I don’t plan on actually putting him in his crib for a while, but we have to take out the bumpers and put up the mesh ones, put the waterproof cover down and crib sheets.  I’ve started the packing list for my hospital bag.  I have three different stomach binders that I used after I had Emily and loved them, but I purchased a special corset one yesterday anyways.  The binders helped a lot and I’ll probably use them at first in the hospital (whatever size fits at that point) and then move to the corset when I get home for more support.  I’m excited to see if it’s a lot better than the binders!
I’m so happy it’s a three-day weekend.  It’s Monday and we’re still at my mom’s!  Emily is taking a nap now, then we’ll pack up and go home after she wakes up.  I’ll be 32 weeks Wednesday!  Seems like it’s going by quick enough.  
All right, I’m exhausted from the walk Emily and I went on this morning, so I’m going to kick back and relax for a few.  Here’s some random pictures from the last week or so, from the zoo and fair and the lake and random walks, the game farm, etc:

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From our walk this morning.  Doesn’t she look so BIG here!? =(

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