25 weeks!

It has been a pretty good week!  With Bryan bouncing Emily to sleep at night now, we all seem to sleep a lot better.  And it’s only taking about 10 to 15 minutes, so it’s not too hard on him at least.  She has been in such a great mood all week!  She’s always generally happy, but she’s been very much so this week.  I love it. =)  It’s so sweet because it’s like she truly appreciates that Bryan is willing to bounce her.  She’s really into saying thank you and you’re welcome now, so when I kiss her goodnight and hand put her in Bryan’s arms to bounce her, she always says “Thank you, Dada!”  <3  Sooo cute.

Whenever she says thank you we always say “You’re welcome, Baby!” or “You’re welcome, Emily!” and she says it too..but it sounds more like “We-come, Baby!” “We-come, Ma-lee!”


She is just SUCH a good girl.  I am going to be in a whole new territory if Caden is a tantrum-throwing wild child, lol.  I had a dream the night before last that I was in the downstairs of my mom’s house, everyone else was upstairs, and I went into labor and gave birth to twin boys right there!  I saw their faces and everything!  It was kind of a cool dream.  I don’t know why, but I feel so much more eager to get him here already than I did with Emily.  I was so scared at first about the transition and Emily hating me because I brought this baby into her world or couldn’t pay as much attention to her…but I’m just ready now.  I know it will be a new and scary thing for her, but we will all adjust and get through the hard parts together. She loves rocking her baby doll and petting its head and kissing it, pretending to change diapers..I’m hoping she’ll just really be my “helper” as much as possible at first and then I can get into the baby wearing thing and still be an active parent with her at the same time.  I foresee me feeding Caden and her not wanting me to be doing that as long as it will take and getting frustrated, but I think she will adjust and we can figure out how to make it go as smooth as possible.  


The stupid crib I’m getting for Caden still hasn’t gone on sale.  When I bought it for Emily it was on sale for $299, but it’s not on sale now so it’s $495!!!  I feel like refusing to buy it just out of freaking principle, but I really want that crib. =(  It went on sale for a week, down 50 whole dollars.  *rolls eyes*  I remember it shipped really fast last time, so I’m going to hold out a little while longer in hopes that it goes on sale again.  I submitted a huge transcript last week and I said I was going to just buy it as soon as the money hits my account, but I feel like I *can’t* pay that much for it, lol.  I guess it evens out since we don’t have to buy a glider or changing table or a lot of other things since we already have them this time around.  *shrug*


I love Zulily, but sometimes it takes SO long for the stuff to get to you!  I don’t know why I’m so antsy about it since I don’t actually need any of the stuff until Caden is here, but I just want to see them in person already, lol.  I was looking at my account yesterday and it said something about $350 at the top and I thought it was how much I had spent over time on all my purchases and I thought, Hey, that’s not bad!  I mean, I get most of Emily’s cutsey clothes from there (like her 4th of July dress, her birthday dress, etc.).  But it actually said I had SAVED $350 over time on all my purchases…lol!  I don’t want to know what I’ve spent then. =)


I am really looking forward to maternity leave!  Four glorious months off..PAID!  Which is a big deal in the U.S. since we don’t get paid maternity leave.  Thank god I’ve saved so much vacation/sick leave.  Since I’m pretty sure this is our last baby too, that means I actually get to start taking my vacation time instead of saving it!  My job is awesome and I get a huge amount every year (8 weeks) but there’s a catch in that you can’t take it whenever you want.  But still, there’s always a lot of available times and I could take a few weeks off every time Bryan has a school break and we can go places and do things!  I’m really looking forward to it.  Not to mention, I could not have timed this pregnancy better.  I’ll get Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years, my birthday, and our trip to Hawaii at the very beginning of February all off on maternity leave!  I think it will make the transition a lot easier on Emily because even though I won’t have as much attention for her at home, I won’t be going to work for four whole months, so she’s going to get a lot more one-on-one time with me during the day even if Caden is hogging part of the time!



You know what’s strange?  Emily hasn’t had hives or anything for quite some ti

me since we have her diet down pretty good, but last night she stuck a white erase board marker in her mouth and drew on her cheek, and she got big old hives!  We had to give her Benadryl and everything, which she hasn’t had in a very long time.  It was pretty immediate, too.  It wasn’t like it irritated her skin and it was red..there were actual hives.  I wonder what the heck?  It wasn’t a big deal, it was just weird.


*Yikes, I wrote all of that last week some time.  The problem is I haven’t actually been on a computer with the internet for a looong time.  I’m talking over a year maybe, lol!  My laptop at work doesn’t have the internet, so I’ll write an entry on it and transfer it to my phone to post, or I just write from my phone. Hence why I’m a crappy noter, as well.


The weather is gorgeous again.  I took Emily to a new park yesterday because it’s getting kind of old going to the same old one, and the new one has a petting zoo and a little water park and a huge play structure!  Plus a swim center!  It was really nice, and almost the same distance as the other park, just in the opposite direction.  I had been calling pools in the area to find out prices and last week I called the Y to find out how much it would cost for Bryan, Emily and I just to come swim for a day (we’re not members.) 25 freaking dollars.  So when we got to the new park yesterday and I noticed they had a swim center, I went in to check it out.  It’s a very nice pool!  And it’s $3.75 per adult and Emily swims free, lol!  I know what we’ll be doing this weekend. =)  It was sad though because I didn’t bring our swimsuits, not knowing there was a pool, and Emily wanted to go in SO bad.  She even did a little lip quiver as we left. =(  So freaking adorable, lol!  She was better 30 seconds later when she saw the new park though. =)


I should be getting home early today, but I have no idea what we’re going to do.  It’s tough because it feels like we do the same stuff over and over and over.  The neighborhood is the same, the backyard is the same, the park we always go to is the same.  There’s just not THAT much to do.  I have an activity planned for Friday afternoon and then going to the pool Saturday, but I don’t want to just come home and sit inside the other days!  


*Okay, another few days have gone by..I really need to get around to posting this, lol!  It was a great week though.  I got a huge transcript done yesterday, and more importantly, billed for. =D I’m taking Emily on a little excursion after work today. There’s a little man-made island you take a free ferry too and they have activities and nice beaches apparently, so I’m going to leave work early and take her there.  I’ve never been, so hopefully we have a good time.  I’m sure we will.


Yesterday I took her to the park and she got absolutely FILTHY, lol!  She loves playing in dirt.  I think there’s something valuable in letting a kid get dirty.  It’s funny, Bryan is this Marine, tough looking guy, welding instructor who you think wouldn’t mind getting dirty..but he is such a pansy!!  He gets so upset if a little dirt touches his jeans, and god forbid something gets on his shirt.  *rolls eyes*  His family was really sterile like that, whereas I was playing in the woods and camping and fishing, etc.  I just really want Emily to enjoy the outdoors and like being outside.  I want her to go camping and not care if she gets dirt on her, go hiking for a few days and not be whining every two seconds that she doesn’t feel clean.  I very much understand the importance of cleanliness, and we got in the bath as soon as we got home from the park..but some of the best parts of life you’ve got to be able to get dirty to enjoy!  I clean her hands and face after she eats, she bathes frequently, never stinks..but when we play, we PLAY, lol.


So the island excursion this afternoon, then petting zoo and swimming tomorrow, then probably grocery shopping and a bunch of chores on Sunday.  Sounds good to me!  I have a bit of the nesting bug this week, so instead of working on transcripts during Emily’s naptime this weekend, I think I will deep clean something. =)  


Have I mentioned I am ready for it to be October yet!? =D  I am so ready for Caden to be here!!  The pain that was in my right leg moved to my left leg all last week and that hurt like a bitch, but that seems to be fading for the most part now.  I’ve been having weird pressure down below, but it doesn’t feel alarming or anything..just..different.  He is definitely still sideways though, so I don’t know why I’m feeling that.  I have my diabetes test next Friday and then my last high-risk cervix check the following Wednesday.  I’m not worried about the GD test, but I’m really looking forward to the high-risk ultrasound because I think they might give me a 3D one this time, and he’ll actually look all cute and squishy by now! =D I can&rsq

uo;t believe how impatient I feel to get him here! Three months sounds like an eternity right now!


Oh, and since it’s like a week and a half later since I began this entry, I just want to mention that Emily has been sleeping great all week!!  I would like to think it’s a new pattern, but it NEVER is, lol.  Simply another phase, I presume. =)  She is really enjoying being bounced to sleep and I have to admit that I love it too.  I know it’s not a forever solution, but it’s just working really well right now and it’s nice..so we’ll stick with it until it doesn’t work anymore. =) She is getting chubbier cheeks again too, meaning she’s about to get taller and have a growth spurt, so that’s probably contributing to the sleep as well.  


All right, I need to get some work done before I figure out what to do for lunch.  I’ve started craving things to eat, but oddly enough I can never figure out what the exact craving is!  Like I’ll have this feeling that I REALLY want something, but everything I can think of sounds like crap, lol.  It’s frustrating, but such is life. =)



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July 19, 2013

The paid time off will be fabulous!!

July 19, 2013

I love reading your entries! They are so positive and happy!! I am very excited for you. I am due Oct 24 with the first child. I also cannot wait until October. Although, part of my leave is not paid, but I have not figured it all out yet. I am just excited and I want everything to go well and just be done with the delivery! Emily is sooooo sweet =)

July 19, 2013

Could you send me the link of the crib that you are looking at? I need advise and it sounds like you liked this crib the first time. Thank you~!!

oh my goodness that picture is the best lol

Love that picture!