24 weeks!! *pics*

24 weeks today!  Viability, baby!  I am so thankful that this pregnancy hasn’t had complications.  The worst complaints I’ve had is being tired and some aches and pains!  Granted, being tired and having a toddler is not fun..but at least it seems to come and go.  This week I seem to have energy, so I’m happy about that!  I should be getting off work early today and then I’m taking my baby girl to the park. =)

The 4th of July weekend was great!  My mom drove a truck (Chevy Tahoe, so we could all fit) in the parade in town and my sister and the kids and us all rode along!  It didn’t take long, but it was fun.  Emily enjoyed waving at people and people waving at her. =)  After that we went back to my mom’s and had a BBQ, then headed over to my sister’s house for fireworks.  It was a great day.  Unfortunately it only gets dark really late in the day in July, so we didn’t start the fireworks until probably 9pm.  Emily wasn’t scared really.  She enjoyed watching, as long as she was sitting on someone’s lap. =)  I’m glad she wasn’t afraid!  She was in a great mood even though she was tired and by 10pm she had enough and dragged me by the hand to the car, indicating she was ready to go home and go to bed, lol.  She didn’t fight sleep that night at least! =)


Bryan had to work the next day and so he headed the three hours home Friday morning, but I planned on staying until Saturday.  Problem was that meant I had to put Emily down for her nap on Friday, and the only way she goes down for a nap (she’s spoiled.  No judgement!) is bouncing her on the exercise ball.  It’s the only way that doesn’t involve crying, so we’ve just kept doing it.  It’s not like she’ll take naps forever.  I was planning on just laying down with her in bed like we do at night time, but she wasn’t having it.  She just kept yelling “bounce ball!!”  Even though I probably shouldn’t have..I bounced her.  Well, not really bounce, but more like a rocking with a slight up and down.  She actually fell asleep pretty quick and it wasn’t bad, so it worked out.


Then of course putting her to bed that night by myself was a disaster.  She refused to lay down in bed and only wanted to be bounced.  *sigh*  So I figured since it wasn’t bad at naptime, I would just get it over with.  It took over an hour, it was hot as hell in the room and I thought I was dying.  After she finally went to sleep I had BH contractions for a while. =(  No bueno.  So I obviously won’t be doing that again.  And now all week long she has refused to lay in bed to go to sleep and has been making Bryan bounce her every night.  I’ve got to admit it’s been nice being able to go to bed earlier and not lay in bed for an hour dodging kicks to the head and stomach though, lol!  Just another phase..one of a million, it seems.


Anyways, here’s a few pics from 4th of July:

First pigtails!!

Caden has been moving like crazy lately.  I was in court yesterday doing a terrible trial and I can only imagine what I looked like with my face all screwed up, trying to move into a comfortable position in my chair because he was balling up and pushing out SO hard, lol.  He was really trying to get somewhere!  I was just about to write that he might have turned head down because I’ve been having some odd pressure down there too, but then he jabbed me in the left and kicked me on the right to prove otherwise.  Silly boy. =)


He pushes up in the exact spot Emily did.  I took a picture of it a few days ago:

<img src="http://i419.photobucket.com/albums/pp280/sheralynm/2874D425-0E77-45EF-A252-30ED0B414B77-28744-00000D5A1EE

81A7E_zps3436ba1e.jpg” alt=”” />

You can see the few whitish stretch marks I got from Emily right where the bulge on the left is.  It’s the only place I got them because her head was stuck there and she would push out so hard!  I’ve been using the Bio Oil religiously again in hopes to keep new ones at bay, but we’ll see.  I see people on BBC with awful red ones, so I won’t complain if I get a few more like I got with Emily.


I realized this morning I hadn’t posted a belly picture in a while, and that I never post one from the front, but I was in a huge hurry to get dressed and head out to work, so I just snapped one in the mirror real quick…not thinking about the fact I was in my underwear, lol!  So I’ll probably take it down later just to preserve my future dignity, lol, but here’s a belly pic for now:

It’s all shiny because I had just put the Bio Oil on, lol.


I feel huge, but I feel good.  I’ve stopped weighing myself and I’m just not going to worry about weight.  I am doing the best I can and I will lose it afterwards, so I’m just going to let whatever is going to happen, happen.


Oh, and I had been researching baby carriers to get for Caden since I wasn’t thrilled with the BabyBjorn and the crotch dangle aspect, at least when he’s real small.  I was looking at the Beco because I saw someone in a store wearing it and really liked how it looked, but everyone is always saying how great ErgoBaby is too.  Anyways, the decision was made for me yesterday morning when I got my daily message from Zulily and one of the sales was ErgoBaby!  There wasn’t a ton of options left, but I got the $135 Performance Carrier for $65!  It was too good of a deal to pass up.  That’s cheaper than I was finding them used on Craigslist!  This is the one I got:

Like I said, not the color I would have picked if I had the choice, but it’s not the worst either.  The sale is still going on and they restocked a few of them if anyone is interested! =)


I just realized I didn’t eat breakfast and it’s almost noon, so I better go get lunch now. =/  It’s been so beautiful out, I think I will eat outside!  Happy Hump Day!


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July 10, 2013

It’s so crazy to see you all wearing hoodies and blankets at night time. It’s still in the high 90’s in Texas at night,lol

July 10, 2013

The weeks are flying by! I’m thinking the Ergo carrier is it for us too.

You look wonderful! Enjoy your pregnancy. You do not need to worry about weight. You seriously look fantastic!

I’d rather have that Ergo than my organic chocolate one. 🙂 I like the blue.

July 11, 2013

I have an Ergo too and can’t wait to use it with this baby as I didn’t get it last time til Cody was 8 months and he was huge by then. I love that color. Mine is beige cuz that’s all the store had. Ugh. You look great btw and I forgot to say in the previous post that I have been eating better this pregnancy too and STILL gaining like I did with my 1st pregnancy when I was eating a ton of junk. Meh

July 11, 2013

I’m in LOVE with Emily’s 4th of July outfit!! And those pigtails are to die for! Looks like y’all had a good time 🙂 So funny that Caden just pushes out like that! Avery will kick and roll but I never see funny lumps like that in my belly 🙂 I love the front view! Like a little basketball in there! I think you look great 🙂

The Ergo carrier look SO comfortable, great choice! (I have a Babyhawk, which is a structured mei-tei carrier with essentially the same style and function as the Ergo) 🙂 Happy viability date! And also thumbs up to the belly picture! (Emily looks adorable in her frilly dress and hair bobble combo :D)