Caden’s room and busyness

What a freaking crazy week it has been.  Work was SUPER busy and Emily was having some sleep troubles, so I was exhausted.  We had a trial about a guy stealing copper pipes out of a house, causing a natural gas leak, then he lit a cigarette and the house freaking exploded!  Had anothervery sad trial where the father is a sex offender and the mother had mental illness and tried to kill herself a few times in front of her children.  The State wouldn’t take them for some unknown reason, so the judge has to figure out which of the two to give them to!  And another crazy case that is too hard to explain.  I felt like I was watching a soap opera half the week.


I got home later than usual every day and then the second I get home Bryan disappears to do chores and home improvements and so it’s pretty much just Emily and I until bedtime.  I felt like I wasn’t able to give her my all last week because I was exhausted and that wasn’t fun, but I think next week will be better.  We let her get in a horriblehabit last week of sleeping with us.  She woke up around 2am earlier in the week and I brought her to bed with us and she slept fine..but she tosses and turns and *I* can’t sleep when she’s laying next to me.  And if she wakes up and the side of my body and head aren’t touching her she freaks, so I can’t lay on my sides or get comfortable.  I got around four hours of sleep that night..and the following three nights when she did the same thing.  It got clear that she was just doing it to get into bed with us though.  We always fall asleep in my bed and then when Bryan comes to bed I put her in her crib.  Well, Bryan has been coming to sleep late because he’s been working on Caden’s room at night.  So I would put Emily in her crib around 1am and she would only stay in there for maybe an hour and a half and then cry for me to come get her.


After being a complete zombie yesterday and having no energy, I knew we had to nick this in the bud before it became anymore permanent.  Put her in her crib around 1am again last night and when she woke up at 2:30 I let her work it out. =(  I woke myself completely up because I was watching her on the monitor, waiting for her to start freaking out and for me to cave and go get her, but she yelled (not cried) for less than three minutes and then gave up and went to sleep, lol!  Oh, and when she’s in our bed she wakes up really early, but when she’s in her crib she sleeps in.  We are like new people today! =)  She seems much happier now that she slept more solidly and for longer.  


The stripes in Caden’s room are almost done!!  Bryan has been a freaking workhorse and will probably have the entire room done by the end of next week!  He gets so crabby when I try and give my opinion about things and so we butted heads quite a bit earlier this week, but now that all the decision making is done we are better, lol.  Painting stripes is not as easy as we thought it would be. =)  We outlined them WAY too small at first and the room would have looked like pinstripes.  Not what we had envisioned.  He was crabby that he had to outline the whole room (understandable) but when I pointed out one of the lines looked small than the others he freaking flipped his lid.  Ugh.  Child.  Turns out he accidentally made it an inch smaller than all the rest. *rolls eyes*  At least it was fixable and we hadn’t painted yet when I pointed it out.  He hateswhen I have input.  


But alas, it is looking really great so far.  Two of the three paint colors are up and the third and final stripe color is going up as soon as Emily wakes up from her nap!  We installed the light fixture earlier and the new closet doors will be ready to install probably tomorrow after the paint is completely dry.  We just have to paint all the trim and put a new door handle on, and it will be done!  I mean..besides furnishing it, lol.  It’s a lot of work, but we put just as much work into Emily’s room and we’re really glad we did.  She likes her room and it is beautiful and perfect for her.  I hope Caden’s likes his as well.


*Oh my gosh, I have the worst pregnancy brain.  It has to be a real thing because I feel like I get more stupid with every pregnancy, lol.  I forgot to post this yesterday, and then I get to work this morning and I realize I left my laptop at home!  I usually never bring it home in the first place, but I have a ton of transcript and I had to do some work while Emily napped.  So I had to go home an hour after I got here to get it, lol.  


<span class="bumpedFont15" style="background-color: rgba(25

5, 255, 255, 0);”>The stripes in Caden’s room are all up!  Here is a picture right after we took off the tape:



It is very light, but the furniture color is going to be darker and I think it will be a beautiful balance.  I spent an hour last night going along the stripes with a tiny paint brush and perfecting the lines.  They look *so* good.  I was sort of expecting a little darker blue for the last stripe color and not so bright and neon-ey, but I like the way it turned out.  I think I am going to have an emotional pregnant lady moment when it’s complete and I can stand in the hall and look into Emily’s room and look next to it into Caden’s.  =)  


This week looks much more relaxed then last week so far, so that’s good.  I do believe I will be going home early today!  I love getting to spend extra time with my baby.  She is getting so affectionate.  It’s adorable and I love it.  She is really starting to get in touch with her emotions and how she feels which is interesting to watch..and sad at times.  She has fear now of things, which is relatively new.  She loves dogs and doesn’t fear them at all (even though she should, lol) if she sees them walking on the street or whatever, but if our neighbor’s dogs bark when she is next to the fence it terrifies her now and she runs away screaming “NO!!”  For some reason a little Cookie Monster toy she has that opens its mouth and you put cookies in it, she is terrified of the thing, lol.  I put my hand in its mouth and let it close on me to try and show her it didn’t hurt and she screamed no and grabbed my hand out of there, saying “You okay!?!” and kissing it, lol!  Silly girl.


She is also learning about frustration and anger which is a bit sad.  She doesn’t know what to do, so she’s started hitting. =/  By that I mean the ground, mainly.  But if she is sitting right next to Bryan or I she will try and smack our leg too, which she is learning is a big no-no.  Thankfully she hasn’t tried to hit other kids.  We went to the Children’s museum on Friday and a boy standing next to her grabbed a toy out of her hand.  It was so sad. She looked so hurt. =(  She just stood there staring at him all hurt and saying “No!” But she never tried to hit him at least.  And fortunately he gave it back.  I think she would have let it go and just felt hurt if he didn’t, but it’s so heartbreaking to watch her learn that not everybody is nice!


She is being much more affectionate with hugs and kisses and cuddling though.  When I hug her and cuddle her I will rub her back or arm or something and now when she is hugging me she will do the same thing.  For some reason she pets our heads too, lol!  But lots of spontaneous kisses and hugs.  We will be walking outside holding hands and she will lean over and kiss my hand. <3  I hope she’s starting to feel my love and realize how much I love her now.  I think she does.  Usually when Bryan has a vacation from work it’s their time and she almost shuns me and favors him a lot more, but we’re two weeks into his break now (he goes back next Monday) and that hasn’t happened at all!  She’s still running to great me and hug me happily when I get home and wants to play and snuggle with me.  It seems like she is growing up so much.


She slept straight through last night too.  It’s like we had to hit the reset button and get her back to normal, lol.  She actually loves her crib and likes to go in there, so it’s not that she doesn’t like sleeping in it, it’s that she would rather snuggle with us in bed instead.  She actually ASKED for a nap yesterday which was the first time ever!  She usually fights it pretty good.  I am really enjoying this age, even with the new ‘tudes she’s discovered. =)  I’ve said that at almost every stage though, lol!  That’s probably why I’m struggling with getting my tubes tied so much..because I just love having children and babies and watching them learn and grow.


I don’t remember if I updated our decision on that or not, but I’m not going to be getting my tubes tied during the c-section.  Yes, it would be more convenient in the long run, but I’m just not ready in a lot of ways.  I’m almost certain I won’t want any more children, but there’s a lot of stuff to consi

der other then that.  Like I said before, god forbid something happened to one of my babies, I would want the other one to have a sibling if that happened within the next 3 to 4 years.  Yes, maybe it’s morbid to think that way, but I wanted to think of every possibility possible before going through with it.  So I think what we’ve decided to do is just wait until Caden is closer to 2 and re-evaluate.  If I’m lucky like last time, I won’t ovulate until he weans.  The whole reason I started cutting back breastfeeding Emily was to make myself ovulate again, and when it finally got going again she wasn’t interested anymore.  So I’ll have to keep an eye on it, but at least I feel like there’s some safeguard between now and then.  And it didn’t occur to me right away, but I’m not even sure Bryan can have a vasectomy because of his past surgery!  When he had the testicular torsion a few years ago and they operated, they put a mesh lining in there to hold the tubes in place so they wouldn’t twist.  I’ll have to talk to his urologist about it, but that might cut out that option.  Either way, I’m not scared to get my tubes tied later, even if it is a pain.  I would still like us both to get it done, if possible, though.  


All right, I have a ton of transcripts to do and a big deadline this Friday that is looming, so I have to get back to work.



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June 24, 2013

The room looks great! Sometimes I wish we had gotten a video monitor so we can see in the room instead of guessing what’s going on.

June 24, 2013

We’re waiting until A is close to two also. Although I’m mostly sure, I’ll know 100% by then, because I won’t want kids further apart than that. I also feel like we’ll know if we’re ready to move forward from “baby mode” so to speak. The stripes look awesome!! Is there a theme? I remember that stage with Tryce.. It seriously just keeps getting better and better!!

The stripes look great! I can’t wait to see the room with the furniture in it, fully completed!

June 25, 2013

Love the stripes! If I had another, I would do the nursery with an accent wall of chevron stripes. I love Chevron!

I like the stripes 🙂 that’s great she settled on her own, must of been hard leaving her to it but it has to be done sometimes. Xx Good choice if your not certain about the tubes being tied, I’m having mine done but only because IF we ever I’d have another we would defo do pgd again to avoid the bad gene being passed on, plus 2 kids is fine with me but its nice to know the option is there. 🙂

Ryn no she only did it once but I think she pulled the strap abit too tight before she attacked me with the needle lol. Yh he’s home tonight so that’s good news, if they didn’t lay it on thick he would of been stuck at sea and with the bad weather their expecting he wouldn’t of got off so wouldn’t of been home in time. I hate lies.. But I don’t want him to miss our baby being born. Hope ur ok 🙂

June 29, 2013

Those stripes are awesome-great job! Definitely looks like a lot of work though. I have no idea how you’d even do that! Glad everything is going well and that Emily is being so affectionate.

Ryn thank you, I went back to what we were feeding her and she slept really well and seems more content. 🙂

July 4, 2013

The stripes are very nice!