16 weeks! & stuff

I can’t believe next Wednesday (not this) I will have an envelope in my hand that says whether we will be having a son or another daughter!  I’m so excited!  Now, I won’t actually get to find out what it is until June 8th, but it’s still exciting. =)
Feeling pretty good still!  I’m suddenly having issues at work with my boss again which I did not expect and that had me down on Friday, but I’ve let it go.  I think she is just out to get me for no logical reason and I’m just going to have to stand up for myself.  Long story short, she thinks my childcare is inappropriate and inconvenient.  Last week I had to take half the day off because the nanny’s grandpa was rushed to the hospital.  That brings the total to three times that I have had to miss a half day in a YEAR because of unforeseen circumstances with the nanny..one of those being her having the norovirus.  
So, yeah.  She essentially is trying to force me to put her in daycare.  Which is funny, because Emily was pretty much sick for all of January, February and March and a daycare wouldn’t have accepted her those days.  I would have to take off 10 times as many days.  
So my boss actually brought it up to someone in upper management and I had a meeting with them Friday.  She told me she was of the understanding that I had a childcare issue and I said I don’t feel like I have any problems with it.  She looked very confused.  *sigh*  It’s only the beginning of a shitstorm, but I’m not going to dwell on it.  It turns out my boss also doesn’t want me to have more than the FMLA 12 weeks for maternity leave now even though she offered six freaking months with Emily.  We’ll see what happens.  I don’t know if I can take the first few weeks under the medical leave act or not because I’m having a c-section and then 12 weeks following that.  I have an appointment with HR Wednesday to figure it all out.  
My judge is pissed and is filing a formal complaint about my boss.  She is so supportive and great, and I am going to stand up for myself and what’s right, but I’m worried she’s going to take it too far.  All I want is for my childcare not to be in question and to take 16 weeks of maternity leave.  I have NO idea what I did to piss my boss off so badly, but she clearly has it out for me.  Ugh.  And there’s the lovely loophole that she figured out which could very well force me to do things I don’t want to do.  If Emily was in daycare and stayed home sick, that is covered under an act.  But since I have a nanny who stays home with her when she’s sick and I come to work, the fact that I have to stay home just because the nanny is unavailable is not covered under any act that I can tell.  Another thing I have to discuss with HR.  
This is all over me missing three half days in a year.  Yeah. *sigh*
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Anyways…Great Wolf Lodge trip is this weekend!  I am very excited.  I finally bought some maternity clothes for work this weekend and I couldn’t bring myself to buy a maternity swimsuit for the trip when I know I’d probably only wear it for this trip.  So I’m just going to wear my tankini and have my gut hang out, lol!  I highly doubt I’ll care what anyone there thinks, but don’t expect any pictures of it either! =)
Emily is doing great.  She is such a big girl now.  I’m amazed by her every day.  We’ve played outside a LOT the last few weeks which has been nice.  I like letting her explore and find things that interest her that I wouldn’t think of.  She loves to play in dirt, lol.  We went to the park last week and the baseball field was empty so she sat on one of the bases raking her fingers through the dirt and picking it up and feeling it for like a half hour. I wonder what is going through her mind. =)  She is getting a lot more affectionate lately too which is nice!  She will just randomly come over and kiss your shoulder or leg, lol.  She gives big hugs and kisses now.  My sweet baby.
…I wrote that yesterday.  When I went to leave work yesterday, guess who was standing at the crosswalk?  Yep, my boss.  I hardly ever see her except for meetings and such, so if course I would run into her now.  I said hi and she looked at me and turned her back to me.  It was windy so maybe she said hi back, but I didn’t hear it.  Yikes.  Grow up, lady.
Anyways, everything else is going good and I feel good!  Lots of exciting things happening in the next few weeks!  In the next three weeks we have the Great Wolf trip, the anatomy scan, gender reveal cake and Emily’s second birthday!  I am very blessed. =)  
Now to go hunt down a yummy looking salad for lunch. =)

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May 21, 2013

Ugh @ your boss. This is exactly why I hate working for women. So sexist, I know, but so rarely (to never) have I heard/experienced things like this with male bosses. So excited to read about all of your upcoming excitement!!!

May 21, 2013

Good lord! Why is she so crazy? Ugh. Well good thing your judge is on your side! Happy 16 weeks! Can’t believe you’re so disciplined to not look at the envelope sooner! 😉

May 21, 2013

Yea, your boss is nuts. I worked for a woman when I was pregnant and she was SO UNDERSTANDING and AMAZING! Seriously, couldn’t have asked for better. I think part of it was she had just had a baby 18 months before I got pregnant so she knew what I was going through. It helped SO MUCH! I really hope she gets it together. Ugh.

May 21, 2013

My boss was such a bitch when I told her I was pregnant. She has never had kids, divorced with cats in her mid-40’s, so I found it hard to relate with her and she hates kids, so that was lovely. I am glad there is at least someone on your side (same with me, I had many understanding coworkers who hated the same boss!)

May 21, 2013

Your boss is so ridiculous! Why does she have it out for you? If it were me I would just go to her in a peaceful way and ask her what have I done to offend you and try to wipe the slate clean…and document that conversation or even record it if it is legal for you to do that.

May 22, 2013

Your boss sounds like a royal pain in the ass! Sorry you have to deal with that. Your next 3 weeks sound so fun. I was thinking Emily’s birthday must be coming up soon. I can’t believe how old our kids are. Cody’s birthday is only 2 months away! Have fun at Great Wolf Lodge. I’ve always wanted to go there.