Vicious cycle & telling the nanny

My poor baby is stuck in a vicious sleep cycle I think.  She refused to nap yesterday at all.  And it was beautiful outside so I came home early, like before 3pm, and took her to a new park that was really neat.  She liked it and loved going down the slides, but we only ended up staying there maybe 45 minutes because she wanted to go.  She was so tired, poor girl.  I knew she would fall asleep at dinner, so I changed her diaper and put her in her PJs to eat, lol. I tried really hard to keep her up to at least get some dinner and she fortunately ate a bit before falling asleep.  I put her in her crib at 7pm.  She woke up crying around 8:30 and Bryan bounced her for 10 minutes and she was out until 7:30 this morning.  So she probably got 12 hours of sleep, which is great, but now I don’t think she’ll nap again today.


She’s just not ready to drop the nap.  It’s nice sometimes having her fall asleep early, but she’s not herself in the afternoon and she is obviously running on fumes.  I hope she naps even if it’s a short nap today, but we’ll see.  She woke up all energized and talking up a storm. She always talks more the next day when she gets a lot of sleep, so I know she needs it.


On a completely different topic, I paid off my car today!! I finally got paid for a big transcript I did and I figured why not get rid of a bigger payment that we have.  We paid off Bryan’s truck last year.  I can’t believe we don’t have car payments anymore!  Which is good, because the nanny is so expensive and school is going to be a lot.  Speaking of the nanny, I am really nervous to tell her I’m pregnant!!  I mentioned a while back that she said she wanted me to have another baby, but she didn’t think that through.  So not only is she going to have all of August off when Bryan is home for summer break, but two months later we won’t need her for FOUR months.  Not many people can go without an income that long.  So not only do I have to mention I am taking 16 weeks of maternity leave where we won’t need her, but, like I said before, I really don’t have any intention on paying her more for two children.  I know that sounds awful..but you don’t know how much we are paying her (it is a LOT more than even full-time infant care at a daycare center per month) and when she applied to work for us she actually though we had two children for that much.  But how do you bring that up?  Oh, we’re having another baby!  And by the way, if you choose to stick around after not getting paid for months and months and months..we aren’t going to pay you anymore for taking care of an infant on top of it all.


Also though, she really doesn’t work that much.. I mean, yesterday I came home a little before 3pm.  She gets there at 1:30 when Emily is napping and Emily is usually eating lunch still when I get home, meaning all she’s done is got her up from her nap and fed her.  She gets here 3:30 on Fridays, and I usually call and tell her she doesn’t have to come because I can make it home before then, but we pay her for all the time we MIGHT need her.  I think that’s only fair since we need her available those times.  But seriously, we pay her for 18 hours a week when she maybe works 8 or 10, lol.  But Emily does like her and it really would be a shame to lose her.  She is really flexible with her time.  Bryan’s schedule changes sometimes quarter to quarter (though it hasn’t in a while) and she’s always willing to change the schedule up.  And I like the fact that Emily has consistency in one person.  She is sensitive to that kind of thing and I know she’ll freak out at first if we have to get someone new.  *sigh*


So I have no idea how to have that conversation with her.  We might risk her jumping ship early if I mention I’m taking four months off too far in advance.  She might just look for someone else to work for?  Which I understand…but god, that would leave us in a huge lurch.  And we are planning on telling people about the pregnancy after our NT appointment if everything looks okay, so it’s coming up fast.  Not looking forward to that conversation!!


I slept like 9 and a half hours last night since Emily went to bed so early and I got too much sleep so I’m tired, lol!  Oh the irony.  For some reason I was actually feeling nauseous yesterday too.  I thought that had pretty much gone away, but I guess having it occasionally isn’t the end of the world.  I’m still turned off of food.  Nothing sounds good.  Well..I hate to admit this, but the one thing I’m really craving is Gatorade. =/ I know, a lot of sugar and that lovely dye coloring.  I never drank it before and I can probably count on two hands the cans of soda/pop I’ve had in my life, but I’m letting myself have one a day just because.  It is so

ooo good, lol.  Other then that I’ve been having either Raisin Bran with almond milk in the morning, or an apple and a granola bar, then a salad for lunch.  By the time dinner rolls around I am NOT hungry, but I try to get something in.  Bleh, just thinking about food makes my stomach churn. 


Well, I think I’m going to head home for lunch and spend some time with my baby before her nap.  I think I’ll be home early today too, so hopefully she does nap so we can go outside and play! =)  I got the cutest video of her slashing in a mud puddle for the first time yesterday. =D



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April 23, 2013

That’s a toughie! You might need to mentally prepare yourself for losing her… just because it would be understandable that she’d need to find other employment… but definitely stress to her that you’d love to have her stick around! I’d just be really straightforward and say you can’t afford to pay any more but you really value her and appreciate everything she does, but if she feels it’s in her

April 23, 2013

best interest to move on you understand. Sometimes being treated well and knowing how much you’re valued in your job is worth more than a little extra money! If she does decide to move on, I’m sure it might be hard for Emily to adjust at first… but she’s going to have 4 months to adjust to having a baby in the house, the nanny change might not seem that bad after that period of time! Good luck!

I would definitely prepare to lose her. That is a tough situation to be in. At least if you do lose her, you can advertise for another nanny with the same payment listed for two babies and they will know from the beginning how much they are getting paid. If you are paying a lot, then with two children it should be about average, right? I CRAVED cream soda when pregnant – something I RARELY drink!