11 weeks w/ belly pic *grumble*


I wrote this entry on my phone, so sorry if its screwy.
I was going to write this in a F/O entry but I am trying to have a different mindset about it and NOT be ashamed of my body, so there’s no need.
Bryan took my first belly pic of this pregnancy last night and I was totally shocked by it.  It looks like my 20-week belly pic with Emily..maybe bigger?  I joked about it at first but then noticed I was feeling down later and I know that’s why.  Maybe it was the angle of the picture?  Maybe that’s how it really looks?  Agg.  Not that there’s anything I can do about it, lol.  
I gained one pound according to the dr’s scale and lost one according to mine..so I don’t think it’s a weight gain issue.  I honestly think its because I did zero ab or core strengthening between my pregnancy with Emily and now.  I have no muscles holding it in!  So, it is what it is.

This is the pic he took yesterday:

This is me at 15-weeks with Emily:


This is a picture I snapped real quick this morning, and this is what I see in the mirror when I look at myself!! :

I keep giving myself pep talks today about it, because it’s not like I can start doing crunches and do anything about it now.  It’s only going to get bigger!  Much bigger!  But the very few stretch marks I do have are practically invisible.  I never got the saggy skin or mom belly.  I just have to keep my hopes up that I will gain roughly the same this pregnancy and will look similar afterwards.  I would be okay with that.  I never did ab exercises because, well, I’d honestly rather spend all my extra time with Emily instead of exercise, but also because my stomach didn’t buy me enough to do anything about it!

Here is a picture of me a month and a half before I got pregnant:

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See?  Not bad!  I’m just going to give myself a break I guess.  I think I will be much more motivated after this pregnancy to do strength training though.  I’m not worried about losing the weight..but I clearly need more muscle.  Yeesh.
I feel great otherwise, and I’m very thankful for that!  I’ve been sleeping pretty good and haven’t been too nauseous.  I have days I’m a little uneasy with food still, but it’s nothing major.  Honestly everything sounds horrid to eat right now.  That will pass soon I’m sure! =)
Time seems to be going by quickly in this pregnancy now.  I think I mentioned it before, but after the ultrasound on the 26th, if everything looks good, we’re going to tell everyone.  Then cervix measurements start at 16 weeks, which is when they told us Emily was a girl, so it’s all coming up really quick!  In two weeks I’ll be in the second trimester!  Just going to think positive and believe everything will work out.  No spotting since the one incident, so that’s nice.
We have a burglary trial at work and I’m busy, so I’ll leave it at that for now.


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I saw you on the front page and came by to peep because you’re almost exactly as far along as my daughter. I stayed to note because you look FANTASTIC. In my experience nearly everyone “shows” earlier in successive pregnancies! Also: Your toddler is adorable. 😉

April 15, 2013

I agree time seems to be going a little faster now too!

April 15, 2013

You look amazing!!! You’re just a second time mom and part of that is showing bigger/sooner… Happens to everyone, regardless of strength training!

April 15, 2013

I think you look great. Hope everything continues to go well.

April 15, 2013

agree w/Fauna!! Also your mirror pic does look smaller than the one Bryan took. No worries mama, At least it’s an evident pregnant belly!

I think you look great! You are still tiny elsewhere. It’s an evident pregnant belly.. that is a good thing! They always say that second pregnancies show a lot sooner! xxx

April 16, 2013

You look great! You are still teeny tiny everywhere else than your little baby bump! Flaunt it 😉 Hope this isn’t weird but you and Emily were in my dream last night! Lol. I don’t remember why or what was going on but I do remember thinking- Wow, Emily is even cuter in person than she is in pictures!!! Hahaha 🙂

Found you on the front page. You look great! subsequent pregnancies always show sooner. You are beautiful! 🙂

April 16, 2013

You look great! I showed a lot faster this pregnancy than I did with Peyton. There was only 15 months between delivery and conception and my Dr said showing faster is normal due to muscles not being reshaped. I’m a lot bigger at 30 weeks than I was with my first but I have gained less weight. Its a momma thing but you LOOK GREAT

April 17, 2013

You look great!! You should see me now at 22 weeks. I look like I did at 30 weeks last time. It’s slightly horrifying but I hear it’s normal.

April 18, 2013

I heard that after your first baby the second and so on you do get bigger than the first!

You look great! It’s tough seein ur body change but its all for a good reason, everyone can get back in shape after a baby it’s just whether they bother or not. I’m defo bigger this time around and I started off smaller! Lol xx