

Oiy, what a week.  I ended up getting that stomach bug that Jack had last weekend and on Tuesday I felt like death and throwing up and all that fun jazz.  Wednesday was just an awful day emotionally.  I even wrote a huge entry to myself which I actually CRIED writing I was so down.  I think this part of pregnancy is the hardest for me, when you’re sick of feeling sick for so long and nothing is even certain yet.  Anyways, so huge pregnancy roller coaster day for me Wednesday.  My first yet of this pregnancy, and I hope my last!  Ha.


Anyways, Wednesday night I got home and was still feeling like complete shit about everything and I decided to pull the doppler out and try again.  I was just about to give up when I found it!  I only got it for about 10 seconds, but it changed my whole mood.  So far as I knew it could have stopped growing at 6 weeks and the hormones were just keeping me feeling pregnant, so it was nice for the confirmation.  Bryan came home later and asked if I was SURE I heard it and I said of course.  I know the difference between my heartbeat and a baby’s (I would die if mine was going that fast!) and he said I should try to find it again.  So I tried..and tried…and tried..and of course I couldn’t find it.  So I was second guessing myself that maybe it was something else, even though I *know* what I heard.  I’ll try again tonight maybe.


My attitude towards food has changed 360 degrees.  I was able to eat whatever sounded good before, but now when I eat more than a few bites I have a stomach ache for hours.  I would rather not eat…but that’s not good, so I’m eating little bits here and there.  It sucks because something will sound amazing and I will make it, take a bite, and it will be awwwful.  Like I made these croissant things yesterday and the first bite was delicious, the second bite not so good, then I couldn’t stomach the smell and had to have Bryan immediately pack them up and put them in the fridge.  I don’t know why, because no one else is going to eat them and I’m certainly not touching them now, lol.  A shame.  Cheese still tastes amazing but I ate two slices with crackers yesterday and of course my stomach hurt for hours.  *le sigh*  Have I mentioned I’m ready for the second trimester!? =)  So thankful to be able to go through this again, but I’m still gunna bitch.


And guess what I get to do tomorrow..Saturday..one of the two days I look forward to all week?  GO TO WORK!  Ugh.  I have to have a certain amount of CEUs every three years to keep my court reporting licenses and of course with all I went through the last three years I didn’t get ANY and they are all due in September.  Meaning I need to crunch them all in before then.  So there’s a training from 9am to 2pm tomorrow that I have to go to.  It’s awful timing because I feel like I just need a break, but I have to do what I have to do.  There’s another all-day one at the end of the month I’m going to have to go to too. =(  


Anyways, I told the nanny she didn’t have to come today because I can make it home before 3:30, so I have to head out!  Bryan works until 9pm on Saturdays so it’s just me and my baby tonight.  She was doing so good with her sleep and she’s going back to the cycle where she only does 8, maybe 9 hours at night and maybe an hour and a half nap during the day.  At least I sleep when she does so I am getting enough sleep…the problem is I want more than enough sleep, lol.  Oh well..her cute little cheeks are worth it. =)  10 weeks Sunday!!  Double digits!!




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April 5, 2013

Hope you feel better! It sucks to feel crappy!

April 5, 2013

Yaaay for finding the heartbeat!!! I’m sure you definitely heard it. I’ve read that it can be very difficult to find it and a lot of ladies get super stressed about it, so I wouldn’t let myself get one! It sure must have been reassuring though! Sorry to hear you felt so miserable the other day! It will get better soon, you’re closer and closer!

April 6, 2013

Yay I’m glad u heard the babies heartbeat, such a relief isn’t it. Nausea hit me bad from around 8-11wks but otherwise this pregnancy has been plain sailing*touch wood*. Hope u start to feel better soon! Xx

April 7, 2013

I really really hope your morning sickness doesn’t last long. I know how completely awful it can be. When I got pregnant this time around I was excited but at the same time I was absolutely DREADING the sickness cuz I just knew I’d have it again. Feels awesome to be past that point though. You’ll be where I am in no time!